Registration Centre

Courses & Events

Search for CESA events, courses and information sessions or browse event list below (events are listed in chronological order):

Upcoming events

    • 07 Feb 2024
    • 21 Aug 2024
    • 2 sessions
    • Catholic Education Office, Conference Centre Room 6. 116 George Street, Thebarton
    Registration is closed

    Intended Audience
    Teachers who are NEW* to the role of EALD Lead Teacher 


    This course assists teachers recently* appointed to EALD positions to gain awareness about their roles and responsibilities in schools, identify EALD learners, organise effective EALD support and become familiar with EALD pedagogy.

    Suitable for teachers who have taken on the EALD lead teacher responsibility within the last 1-2 years and those who are new in 2024.

    Participation in (Learning English: Achievement and Proficiency) LEAP Levels workshops and data collection related sessions will be in addition to this course and require separate registration.

    Wednesday 7 February: CEO Conference Centre Room 6
    Wednesday 21 August: CEO Conference Centre Room 7

    This workshop will take place over 2 days and participation at both days is required.

    AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers
    Standard 1: Know students and how they learn
    Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
    Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
    Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
    Standard 6: Engage in professional learning

    Facilitator / Workshop Enquiries
    Chris Payne - Education Advisor, EALD and International Education / T: 8301 6613

    Registration Enquiries:

    Deadline for Registration: COB Wednesday 31 January 2024

    ** A light lunch will be provided on arrival **


    For general EALD information, resources and self-paced online professional learning modules, please visit

    CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop. If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

    If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

    • 13 Feb 2024
    • 12:00 AM
    • 06 Dec 2024
    • 12:00 AM
    • Online

    Training Update: Made in the Image of God (MITIOG) Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum Years R-12

    2 hour online training module to be completed every 3 years

    This is a training update for teachers who have already completed a full day's introductory training for CESA's "Made in the Image of God" Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum. 

    Venue: Online

    Intended for: Teachers who have already completed the full day Introduction to Made in the Image of God training.

    System Accredited Module: This training update online course can be used towards CPF Level 3 by following these steps:

    • completing a 500 word reflection (details provided on the training module once registered) 
    • Registering for Mini Modules in the Catholic Domain and completing the requirements for 2 other mini module units.  (Each Mini Module requires a 500 word response)

    Dates: This training is open for registrations for the 2024 school year.

    If you have any registration queries please contact Christina Lagozzino or phone 8301 6659.   

    • 14 Feb 2024
    • 24 Nov 2024
    • online

    2024 Mini Modules in the Catholic Identity Domain

    In this new format SAM approved module, teachers can choose which of the below 'mini modules' they would like to complete.  

    For this module to satisfy the CPF requirements, participants will need to choose a minimum of 3 mini modules to participate in, complete a 500 word paper for each of the 3 modules and upon successful completion of the paper, will then have completed one SAM.  The 3 modules (and corresponding papers) must be completed before 24 November 2024.

    Upon registration, you will receive an email which includes an attachment containing further details and links to each module.

     Title  Description  Presenter

    Living Laudato Si 

    This Mini Module will support educators and leaders to engaging with the Living Laudato Si Podcast Series. As we know, the podcast is a four-part series with key themes including Wonder and Awe, Integral Ecology, Nature Play and Playing in Mystery and Ecological Conversion. Therefore, this mini module includes four sessions to unpack each of these episodes. 

    Alice Dunlop 
     Promoting Key Capabilities through Ecological Conversion

    This Mini Module will support you to animate ecological conversion through CESA's Key Capabilities.

    You will learn more about ‘ecological conversion’ and 'the Key Capabilities Continua' and how to integrate these concepts into your teaching and learning.

    Alice Dunlop 


    Integral Ecology Curriculum Connections 

    This Mini Module will support you to incorporate ecology as a theme in your teaching and leadership.

    You will learn more about ‘ecological conversion’ and 'integral ecology' and what this means as an educator along with how to integrate these concepts into your teaching and learning.
     Alice Dunop

    How to support the Spiritual Development of Young People

    This Mini Module will explore themes connected to the spiritual development of Young People through podcast, videos, blogs and reflective practice.

    There will also be practical applications and some stories and tips along the way!

    This Mini Module is suited to secondary teachers/leaders.

    Julian Nguyen  

    Assessment in Religious Education and the Crossways Performance Standards

    The Religious Education Curriculum is the learning area at the heart of every Catholic school. As such, it requires the same rigour in learning and assessment as all other learning areas. In this Mini Module, you will discover:

    • how the Crossways Performance Standards function to support quality assessment in Religious Education; and,
    • how these standards help teachers to determine A-E Grades in the Religious Education classroom.
    Valeska Laity 

    Mark's Gospel in a Nutshell

    The Gospel according to Mark is one of the tree 'synoptic' Gospels. This Gospel is short and action packed from beginning to end. It was written to be heard not just read. This Mini Module will explore the features of Mark's carefully crafted Gospel including his ministry of healing and preaching, major themes and the historical context in which he was writing. In Mark's Gospel, Jesus welcomes outcasts, offers forgiveness to sinners and casts out unclean spirits. Jesus uses the genre of parables to help people understand how they can participate in bringing about the Kingdom of God. Kate Ordon 

    Matthew’s Gospel in a Nutshell

    Matthew’s gospel, like the other 3, tells a rich and inspiring story about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Though based on Mark’s gospel, Matthew’s gospel is longer, adapting some of Mark’s text in interesting ways and adding material that is unique among the four gospels. His portrait of Jesus is also unique, along with Peter and the disciples. Matthew’s gospel also contains a wealth of teaching material which no doubt served to inform and encourage his community who were living out their faith in Jesus at the end of the first century in difficult circumstances. As you will discover it is no wonder that this gospel is sometimes referred to as “the Gospel of the Church”.  Kate Ordon

    The World Behind the Text

    Teachers familiar with the Crossways Curriculum will know that the recommended process for unpacking biblical texts with students is the 3 Worlds Strategy. The worlds ‘of the text’ and ‘in front of the text’ usually present no problems, but the world ‘behind the text’ can be more challenging. Importantly it is this ‘world’ that can help us to appreciate the full meaning and significance of the text, sometimes in ways that surprise or shock the 21st century reader.  This mini-module will explore some of the historical, cultural and religious factors that pertain to a range of New Testament texts and will enable us to appreciate them through the lens of Jesus’ original audience and the gospel writers’ communities.  Kate Ordon

    Extraordinary New Testament Women

    Whilst most people can recall the stories of many New Testament men – the disciples, John the Baptist, Zacchaeus and Bartimaeus to name a few - the stories of women are less well known. This mini-module focuses on the lives and accomplishments of a range of extraordinary women during Jesus’ ministry and in the early Church. Their unwavering faith in Jesus, and courageous commitment to his teachings, continue to inspire his followers, both men and women, today.  Kate Ordon
     A collaboration between ACRATH, Crossways and SACE 'Spiritualities, Religion and Meaning' This is an opportunity to hear more about ACRATH, look at their Teaching Kits Resources, make connections with how this topic can be integrated in the SACE Stage 1 and 2 Spiritualities, Religion and Meaning course and make clear links with the Crossways Curriculum allowing students to develop skills, dispositions and Enduring Understandings that are informed and inspired by the Catholic Tradition.
     Deb Lubatti
    Overview of MITIOG principles  This module is a general introduction or refresher course to the Made In The Image Of God (MITIOG), Human Sexuality Curriculum. It is a mini- module and does not replace the mandatory 6-hour training course.

    It explores why a formal Human Sexuality Curriculum is necessary for today’s context, explores the protocols and the foundational principles underpinning the teaching of this curriculum in SA Catholic schools.

     Tracey Lacoon and Deb Lubatti

    Let's Talk About Prayer

    This Mini Module has been designed specifically for teachers who are new to teaching in Catholic schools, but it contains a lot of tips and resources that will be useful and relevant for all teachers in Catholic schools. In this Mini Module you will: learn about the different prayer forms in the Catholic Tradition, develop an understanding of what prayer is ( and what it isn’t!), explore different prayer strategies and investigate a variety of prayer resources.

     Sue Coghlan and Helen McKeough
     Crying Out!  As Catholic communities we know that we have a responsibility to care for our earth and for each other. In this mini module we will explore the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Social Justice Statement 2021-2022 Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor. There will be a focus on what Scripture can teach us and what we can learn from the Wisdom of First Nations people as we continue the conversation and discern our response.  

    Sue Coghlan and Helen McKeough 

    Click - Consider - Collect

    Using the Crossways website Learning Design Builder
    This mini module will explore the learning design process in RE. Participants will be taken through the learning design process step by step with tips and hints along the way. We will look at several learning design examples and explore how all three stages of the UBD learning design process work together to support high quality teaching and learning in RE  Marcia Burgess
    Luke's Gospel in a Nutshell

    Of the four gospels, for many people Luke’s is the most loved. This year the gospel readings at Mass focus on Luke’s account of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. This course will provide an opportunity to engage with Luke’s account, to travel with Jesus from his birth to his final journey to Jerusalem and to ponder the significance of this gospel for ourselves and for our students.

    The course will briefly address the background to Luke’s gospel, articulate some of Luke’s concerns and major themes – and will break open a range of Lukan texts using the ‘three worlds’ strategy.

     Kate Ordon
    Unpacking Parables Jesus was a master story-teller – and parables form the bulk of his teaching ministry. They are a distinctive literary genre - one feature being their ability to unsettle us - to challenge us to new ways of thinking and acting. This course will focus on a range of Jesus’ parables which address different concerns e.g. the nature of the Kingdom, justice, mercy and the ‘lost’.  The ‘three worlds’ strategy will be used to unpack the stories – i.e. the ‘world of the text’ and the ‘world behind the text’.  In particular, participants will be encouraged to engage with the ‘world in front of the text’ in order to make links with the hopes and dreams of students today. Kate Ordon 
    ​​​​​​​Mighty Miracles

    Each of the four gospels portray Jesus as mighty in word and deed. Sometimes his mighty deeds are called ‘deeds of wonder’, ‘deeds of power’ or ‘signs’. They are extraordinary events bearing religious significance - and invite us to faith.

    This course will examine a range of miracles – their distinctive literary form and what they teach. It will also address the background of the stories - what was happening in the time of Jesus and what was happening in the gospel writers’ communities many years later. Where appropriate the ‘three worlds’ strategy will be used to unpack the texts.

     Kate Ordon
    Dialogue is more than just a chat

    Participants will explore Catholic dialogue pedagogy and the opportunities in the classroom.  This will be grounded by relevant system documents, the Wisdom Strand of the Crossways curriculum, and a reading by Pope Francis. This mini module will look at pedagogical approaches that consider authentic dialogue, the richness of diversity, creating a culture of trust and how we navigate this to ensure the dignity of all.

     Christina Jonas
    A Deeper Dive into the Wisdom Strand

    In this mini module you will have the opportunity to engage with the Wisdom Strand and understand its implications for curriculum design and pedagogy while exploring the cultivation of dispositions and how to create a climate for enhancing engagement, reflective practice and self-exploration.

    This will focus on going deeper in understanding the 'why' , the 'what' and the 'how' of the 'Wisdom' strand.  A deeper dive into the Wisdom Strand will also explore the relationship between the CESA Key Capabilities and the Wisdom strand.

     Julian Kluge

    Christian Meditation - A guide to implementing this prayer and wellbeing practice into your classroom

    In this mini module, you will be given an introduction to the “3 S” approach to Christina Meditation – Silence, Stillness & Simplicity.

    We will explore what preparations can set teachers & students up for success in implementing this prayer form as a regular practice in the school day/week.

    We will also discuss FAQ’s and trouble-shooting hints sourced from 50 schools that engaged with the CESA Christian Meditation Inquiry which ran from 2015 - 2018.

     Jacinta Astachnowicz

    For further assistance contact or on 8301 6629.

    • 14 Mar 2024
    • 22 Aug 2024
    • 2 sessions
    • Catholic Education Office, Conference Centre Room 6 @ 116 George Street, Thebarton
    Registration is closed


    Do you want to grow your Languages program and have healthy senior enrolments?

    This program is aimed at secondary language teachers who want to inspire, engage and retain senior students, creating lifelong second language learners and users.

    The study of second language becomes an elective in most CESA Schools from year 9 and this transition to senior secondary typically sees a significant drop in Languages enrolments. Silvana Bianchet (previous Italian teacher at Saint Aloysius College) continued to maintain good numbers of senior students and outstanding SACE achievement. Her involvement in the CCQ project and case study ‘Using student feedback about the learning environment as a starting point for co-construction,' fuelled Silvana’s desire to develop and contextualise her own strategies and techniques to boost student engagement and retention. The workshops will explore essential elements and strategies that teachers can incorporate into their own practice and classrooms, as well as the opportunity to hear from Silvana’s past students and their personal experiences and perspectives.

    The topics will revolve around visible student growth and empowerment, engagement and motivation strategies, building capacity, mastery of L1 through L2, data collection, and exploring relevant, limitless themes and concepts whilst having fun.

    Teachers will be encouraged to collect pre and post workshop student surveys and keep a professional practice journal as evidence to discuss and share ideas at online meetings.

    Online meeting times and plan will be sent via email to registered participants.

    Attendance at 2 full day workshops and 2 online meetings (dates TBA) is required, to participate in this professional learning series. Registering for this event signifies your commitment to attend all sessions.

      AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include

      Standard 1: Know your students and how they learn

      Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it

      Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

      Standard 6: Engage in professional learning

      Intended Audience: Secondary Language Teachers, Years 8-12 (All Languages)

      Facilitator: Kirsty Castillo - Education Advisor, Languages & Cross Curriculum Priorities & Silvana Bianchet, Education Consultant

      Enquiries: / T: 8301 6839

      Registration Enquiries:

      Deadline for Registration: COB Thursday 7 March 2024


      CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

      If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

      • 20 Mar 2024
      • 06 Nov 2024
      • 3 sessions
      • Catholic Education Office, Conference Centre Rooms 7 & 8. 116 George Street, Thebarton
      • 5
      Registration is closed

      Intended Audience

      Educators with a key responsibility for co-facilitating
      the implementation of a school improvement priority in EALD


      The network for EALD Lead Teachers will provide participants with the opportunity to form learning partnerships that aspire for EALD learners to be thriving and capable learners, with a specific focus on the key capabilities in the Living Learning Leading framework and the Living Learning Leading Standard.

      Current and new teachers who have a specific responsibility for EALD learners in their schools are strongly encouraged to register to be part of this professional learning network in 2024.

      Network Focus:

      • CESA EALD Strategy
      • Lead teacher development for quality school improvement
      • Sharing of practice – differentiation for primary and secondary settings where appropriate

      This workshop will take place over 3 days and registering for this event signifies your commitment to attend all 3 sessions.

      AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers

      Standard 1: Know students and how they learn

      Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it

      Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

      Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

      Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

      Standard 6: Engage in professional learning

      Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

      Facilitator / Workshop Enquiries
      Chris Payne - Education Advisor, EALD and International Education / T: 8301 6613

      Registration Enquiries:

      Deadline for Registration: COB Wednesday 13 March 2024

      ** BYO Morning Tea  /  Lunch will be provided **


      For general EALD information, resources and self-paced online professional learning modules, please visit

      CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop. If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

      If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

      • 09 Apr 2024
      • 9:00 AM
      • 24 Oct 2024
      • 4:30 PM
      • The Monastery -15 Cross Rd, Urrbrae and CEO Conference Centre - 116 George St, Thebarton
      • 6

      Growing Faith Leaders: encountering life to the full

      Dates and Venues:

      Term 1 - Tuesday 9 April, 9am - 4pm

      The Monastery -15 Cross Rd, Urrbrae (Reflection and Discernment Day)

      Term 2 – Tuesday 21 May, 1.30pm – 4.30pm

      CEO Conference Centre, Room 8 (Mentoring, Shadowing and Inquiry Project- initial)

      Term 3 – Wednesday 31 July, 1.30pm – 4.30pm

      CEO Conference Centre, Room 7 (Storytelling)

      Term 4 - Thursday 24 October, 1.30-4.30pm

      CEO Conference Centre, Room 8 (Sharing Projects)

      Facilitators: Alison Gore, Sue Coghlan 

      This program is for those who may be discerning designated religious leadership in the next 1-5 years.

      They will be working with members of the Catholic Identity and Mission Team; their own school principal and APRIM; and APRIMs and leaders from CESA schools.  The program involves learning, reflection, mentoring and companioning from thriving leaders of faith. Participants will complete a small inquiry project in their own school.

      - Do you have an interest in leadership in CESA?

      - Have you experienced a connection to a faith community?

      - Would you like to explore how your leadership is informed by deepening faith?

      - Would you like to contribute deeply to CESA’s aspiration of all people being ‘thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires?

      Would you like to share and walk alongside flourishing faith leaders?

      System Accredited Module: Yes

      For further information regarding the program, please contact: or phone 8301 6632

      For registration and general information refer to: or phone 8301 6659

      • 29 Apr 2024
      • 24 Oct 2024
      • 8 sessions
      • Royal Adelaide Golf Club, Tapleys Hill Road, Seaton (Days 1 and 2) The Grange Golf Club, White Sands Drive, Grange (Days 3 to 8)
      • 20
      Registration is closed

      2024 Cognitive Coaching Facilitated by: Gavin Grift

      Gavin Grift will facilitate this eight-day course in which Principals, Deputy Principals, APRIMs, system coaches and school-based leaders of learning will practise and internalise effective strategies to develop skills to support, coach and mentor others in their schools, to support the ongoing improvement and evaluation of professional practice.

      Cognitive Coaching is a research-based model that will capitalise upon and enhance cognitive processes. The course is highly recommended for participants who seek to build leadership density and leverage change through critical dialogue.

      Testimonials from leaders who have participated in this course affirm and highly recommend it.

      My experience in cognitive coaching has been enriching, equipping me with great tools, models, and a refined coaching style. The emphasis on deep learning and the opportunity for reflection have been pivotal in enhancing my ability to support others on their journey of self-discovery and growth. (Belinda Bennett, Schools Performance Leader, Catholic Education South Australia)

      Up to 40 places are available to school leaders for this unique learning opportunity.

      Commitment to the full eight days is essential

      Days 1 & 2:                     Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 April 2024

      Days 3 & 4:                     Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 June 2024

      Days 5 & 6:                     Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 August 2024

      Days 7 & 8:                     Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 October 2024

      Time:                              8:45am to 3:30pm


      Days 1 and 2:  Royal Adelaide Golf Club, Tapleys Hill Road, Seaton

      Days 3 to 8:     The Grange Golf Club, White Sands Drive, Grange

      $1,400 per participant - the full course costs are partly subsidised by CESA
      (an invoice will be sent to your school from the CEO around 
      29 April 2024)                

      This is a unique opportunity to engage in quality professional learning.

      Any cancellation after Monday 15 April 2024 may incur the full fee.

      For further information contact:

      Juanita Lieschke, Administrator, Leadership and Workforce Development


      Phone:  08 8301 6885 

      • 11 Jun 2024
      • 22 Oct 2024
      • 3 sessions
      • The Grange Golf Club, White Sands Drive, Grange
      • 71
      Registration is closed

      Middle Leaders Professional Learning Opportunity: Teacher Leadership Program

      A school’s capacity to improve rests on the shoulders of effective teacher leaders whose roles extend well beyond the classroom.

      One of Australia’s most respected education experts, Gavin Grift, leads teacher leaders and middle leaders through a process of self-discovery as they grapple with the demands of teaching and leading within teacher ranks.  Leaders of Learning are particularly encouraged to register for this program which is open to any teachers in a middle leader role in their school.

      In collaboration with Teresa Cimmino and the CEO System Coaches – Learning and Curriculum, we are pleased to offer this three day professional learning experience in 2024 where middle leaders will learn how to lead meaningful collaboration, provide feedback to peers and overcome the complexities of leading both colleagues and students at the same time.  The program will equip participants with the knowledge and contemporary research-based ideas to use in their work with others.  Learning the skills needed to motivate, inspire and guide others sits at the heart of this program. 

      Attendance at all three days of the program is required.

      Day 1:                     Tuesday 11 June 2024

      Day 2:                     Tuesday 6 August 2024

      Day 3:                     Tuesday 22 October 2024

      Time:                      8.45am for a 9.00am start and concluding at 4.00pm

      The Grange Golf Club, White Sands Drive, Grange

      $250 per participant (an invoice will be sent to your school from the CEO around 11 June 2024)                

      Any cancellation after Tuesday 28 May 2024 may incur the full fee.

      For further information contact:

      Juanita Lieschke, Administrator, Leadership and Workforce Development


      Phone:  08 8301 6885 

      • 22 Jul 2024
      • 27 Sep 2024
      • Catholic Education Office, Conference Centre. 116 George Street, Thebarton and Online via Microsoft Teams
      Registration is closed

      Expression of Interest
      (Full details will be sent to applicants in Term 2, 2024)

      In 2022/23, 89 CESA teachers completed the ACER's PAT Data Driven Decisions program, that was coordinated through the Catholic Education Office.

      In 2024, CESA will again be providing sponsorship for the following staff, to complete this ACER accredited professional learning program:

      • Leaders of Learning (or similar), and
      • Staff participating in the Aspiring Leaders Program.

      Professional learning will be held in Term 3, 2024.

      All resources and lessons will be available online, with most of the learning being completed in a self-paced format.  There are two to three online sessions, with recordings made available, and attendance is not mandatory.

      Staff members who are not in a Leader of Learning, or similar position, may still participate in the professional learning, provided costs are covered by your school. Cost without sponsorship will be at a reduced rate of approximately $440. Schools are encouraged to send more than one staff member.

      Proposed Program Structure

      Intended Learning Outcomes

      Participants will be able to:

      • analyse and critically evaluate a range of PAT data and reports;
      • identify teaching strategies that differentiate learning for different students/groups, and
      • use PAT data to target learning needs of different students and groups.

      AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include

      Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning, particularly Professional Standard 5.4: Interpret student data.

      Course Duration: 12 hours, over 8 weeks

      Course Enquiries: / T: 8301 6191

      Deadline for Expression of Interest: COB Friday 21 June 2024.

      CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

      If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

        • 29 Jul 2024
        • 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM
        • MS Teams
        • 20

        Principles of The Writing Revolution- Part 1: Overview of Sentences

        This online professional learning session will focus on understanding the sentence level skills presented in The Writing Revolution.

        The Writing Revolution aims to develop students’ understanding of sentences and embeds tasks in learning area content. It is suitable for R-10 teachers and provides a range of activities applicable in all subject areas to support comprehension of content and understanding of sentence construction.

        Further professional learning on paragraph and multi-paragraph structures will be available later in the year.

        Intended Audience: 

        R-10 teachers and Leaders


        Kirsten Maycock

        Workshop Enquiries:  T:8301 6600

        Registration Enquiries:  T:8301 6851

        • 30 Jul 2024
        • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
        • CEO, Thebarton, Room 6 (TEAMS link by request)

        The Shiloh Data Collection Masterclass will provide an overview of the organisational structure being configured in the long-anticipated HR Information System.  This overview will provide the foundation of how the information contained within the system will pull together in a workers record.

        The masterclass will also cover the data to be collected, and the mechanism for collecting this information.

        Please bring your laptop as this will be a hands on interactive session where you will have the opportunity to be start working with your school's data.

        Attendance in person is preferred, but a TEAMS link will be provided on request.

        • 31 Jul 2024
        • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
        • CEO Conference Centre, 116 George Street, Thebarton - Rooms 7 & 8
        • 0
        Join waitlist

        Introduction to Made in the Image of God (MITIOG) Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum Years R-12

        This course is for teachers who will be teaching the Made in the Image of God (MITIOG) Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum and need to do the required training.

        Teachers looking to refresh their knowledge in the recently updated curriculum are also encouraged to undertake the course. Please note it can be used for CPF Level 3.

        The aim of this is to assist teachers to develop an understanding of the Made in the Image of God, Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum Years R-12, and gain confidence and competence in teaching the curriculum.

        This day will include:

        • Familiarisation with the updated Made in the Image of God Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum including the new structure and updated content
        • Exploration of values underpinning the Made in the Image of God Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum Years R-12
        • Managing sensitivities and protocols for the teaching of the curriculum

        Date: Wednesday 31 July

        Time: 9am - 4pm

        Venue: Catholic Education Office, George Street, Thebarton

        Intended for: R-12 teachers new to Sexuality Education in a Catholic School. It is a requirement that all CESA teachers are trained in this curriculum before teaching is undertaken in MITIOG.

        System Accredited Module: Yes

        AITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:

        Standard 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

        Light refreshments for morning tea will be provided. We ask that you please bring your own lunch for the day or if you wish to buy your lunch there are places close by.

        If you have any registration queries please contact Christina Lagozzino or phone 8301 6659.   

        • 31 Jul 2024
        • 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

        OSHC Series with Maria Taylor - Visit #2

        Location: Dominican School, 237 Military Road SEMAPHORE SA 5019
        Date: Term 3, Week 2, Wednesday 31 July 2024
        Time: 1:30pm-4:30pm

        Focus:  Play and Play Work Principles in Action

        This session will begin with a 90-minute professional learning session for a team to unpack ‘what do adults do when children are playing?' What is their role? We will take a (brief) look at the principles of play work and learn how to document where children are playing. Where are your sites of significance and what do you do with this information? This will be a hands-on session where staff will map their space and then document what happens when children come out to play. In this session, Maria will specifically support educators. There is no demonstration session with children.

        Please note that 'OSHC Series with Maria Taylor - Webinar #2' will be held on 14 August 2024 (please register via the link)

        Provisional Program

        Facilitator: Maria Taylor

        Please register by 5pm Monday 29 July 2024.

        Workshop Enquiries:  

        Registration Enquiries:

        Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

        • 01 Aug 2024
        • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
        • CEO, Thebarton, Room 6 (TEAMS link by request)
        The Shiloh Data Collection Masterclass will provide an overview of the organisational structure being configured in the long-anticipated HR Information System.  This overview will provide the foundation of how the information contained within the system will pull together in a workers record.

        The masterclass will also cover the data to be collected, and the mechanism for collecting this information.

        Please bring your laptop as this will be a hands on interactive session where you will have the opportunity to be start working with your school's data.

        Attendance in person is preferred, but a TEAMS link will be provided on request.

        • 01 Aug 2024
        • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
        • MS Teams (link sent with registration confirmation)
        • 70

        ACRATH Forced Marriage Webinar for Educators

        Thursday Aug 1st 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm (ACST) via MS Teams

        Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) and ACRATH – South Australia,
        invite school leaders, teachers, counsellors, and chaplains to join a webinar exploring the issue of FORCED MARRIAGE. Participants will engage in discussion about how teachers and leaders can identify and offer support to young people who are suspected victims of forced marriage within school communities and the broader community.  

        With speakers from: Australian Federal Police & ACRATH

        An MS Teams Link will be sent to you upon registration. 

        If you have any registration queries please contact Christina Lagozzino or phone 8301 6659.   

        • 01 Aug 2024
        • 5:00 PM
        • 02 Aug 2024
        • 3:00 PM
        • The Monastery - 15 Cross Road, Urrbrae 5064
        • 5

        Vocational Inspired Prophetic (VIP)

        Early Career with CESA Teachers Program

        Date: 5pm Thursday 1 August 2024 - 3pm Friday 2 August 2024

        Venue: The Monastery, 15 Cross Road, Urrbrae SA 5064 

        A Retreat experience providing faith formation for teachers early in their careers in Catholic Education. This program forms part of the Foundations of Excellence Induction Program towards accreditation to teach in CESA schools.

        Through this residential program we aim to support and companion teachers early in their spiritual and religious formation.

        This Spiritual and Religious Formation will provide an opportunity to: 

        • Provide enhanced spiritual and religious formation as part of their induction into Catholic Education South Australia
        • Provide pastoral, spiritual and mentoring support for new teachers to the sector
        • Companion participants to support their ongoing formation
        • Inspire personal faith and prayer life of educators
        • Deepen teachers’ experience and understandings in order to support their key role as educators and witnesses within the Catholic school environment

        CESA will cover the costs including program materials, accommodation, catering and one days TRT.

        Registrations close Thursday 18 July

        For further information regarding the program, please contact: or phone 8301 6632

        • 02 Aug 2024
        • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
        • University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus
        Registration is closed


        CESA STEM MAD is a student showcase, highlighting student driven innovations which aim to Make A Difference in creating a more just and loving world through the application of STEM knowledge and skills.

        Program Outline (Subject to change)

        8:45 am - Schools arrive; Sign in

        9:15 am - Welcome by Dr Neil McGoran - Executive Director, CESA
        9:30 am - University of South Australia, STEM Panel
        10:30 am – Showcase 1
        11:15 am – Showcase swap over set-up time
        11:30 am – Morning Tea
        12:00 pm – Student Showcase 2
        12:45 pm – Lunch
        1:15 pm – Student Activity Sessions
        2:15 pm – Awards
        2:45 pm – Close

        Intended Audience: CESA Teachers and Students

        CESA Facilitators: Melanie O'Leary and Deborah Hansen

        Enquiries: /  T: 8301 6820) & / T: 8301 6668

        Registration Enquiries:

        Deadline for Registration: COB Thursday 25 July 2024


        CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

        If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

        • 02 Aug 2024
        • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
        • University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus - GP Building
        Registration is closed


        CESA STEM MAD is a student showcase, highlighting student driven innovations which aim to Make A Difference in creating a more just and loving world through the application of STEM knowledge and skills.

        Program Outline (Subject to change)

        8:45 am - Schools arrive; Sign in

        9:15 am - Welcome by Dr Neil McGoran - Executive Director, CESA
        9:30 am - University of South Australia, STEM Panel
        10:30 am – Showcase 1
        11:15 am – Showcase swap over set-up time
        11:30 am – Morning Tea
        12:00 pm – Student Showcase 2
        12:45 pm – Lunch
        1:15 pm – Student Activity Sessions
        2:15 pm – Awards
        2:45 pm – Close

        Intended Audience: CESA Staff & Invited Guests

        CESA Facilitators: Melanie O'Leary and Deborah Hansen

        Enquiries: /  T: 8301 6820) & / T: 8301 6668

        Registration Enquiries:

        Deadline for Registration: COB Friday 26 July 2024


        CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

        If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

        • 05 Aug 2024
        • 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM
        • Online via Microsoft Teams
        • 22


        This online session is provided to increase teachers and school leader capacity to design standards-based assessment tasks. Participants will gain awareness of the key features of assessment tasks, including how to provide opportunities for students to demonstrate surface, deep and transfer learning.

        AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include

        Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

        Intended Audience:  Primary and Secondary Teachers and Leaders

        Facilitators: CESA Coaches - Clare Collier, Rebecca Baker, Deborah Hansen


        Registration Enquiries:


        Deadline for Registration: COB Friday 2 August 2024


        CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

        If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

        • 06 Aug 2024
        • 8:30 AM
        • 30 Jun 2025
        • 4:30 PM
        • The Monastery - 15 Cross Rd, Urrbrae

        Growing Deep - Strategic Formation in your School

        A program for school leadership teams to use the Growing Deep- Resources for Enhancing Catholic Identity and Mission across Catholic Education South Australia suite to analyse, understand, strategise and lead the enhancement of Catholic Identity and effective formation in their schools.  

        The program will begin in August 2024 and run until mid-2025 (2025 dates TBA). Using The Provocations Guide and The Self Reflection Kit, leaders will identify a Catholic Identity and Mission (CIM) goal for their 2025 annual plan and using The System Strategies consider the practical pathways for ‘growing deep’ in the area the school has identified.

        The program is open to all schools but those who have received an Enhancing Catholic Schools Identity (ECSI) report in recent years may find this an excellent way to further utilise what they have learned.

        This professional learning community is a shared strategic and formational experience for school leadership teams to attend together. Members of the PLC will consider their own individual spiritual growth (My story), their strategic work in enhancing the Catholic Identity of your school (Our Story), and connecting to God’s mission that all people know themselves to be known and loved by God (The Story).

        Dates and times are below.





        Term 3


        Tuesday, August 6


        The Monastery

        15 Cross Rd, Urrbrae

        Term 4


        Wednesday, November 6


        The Monastery

        15 Cross Rd, Urrbrae

        Term 1





        Term 2





        Registrations close Monday 22 July

        For registration queries please contact or 83016659.

        For queries related to the program, please contact

        • 06 Aug 2024
        • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
        • Rooms 7, CESA Conference Centre, 116 George St, Thebarton

        Mid-Year Reception Conversations Professional Development

        Tuesday 6 August 2024

        Room 7 CESA Conference Centre

        9:00 am - 3:00 pm

        This Professional Learning Day offered by CESA explores the practices and principles that recognise the importance of continuity of learning and relationships for children in the first years of school as foundations for success in schooling and later life.

        Mid-Year Reception leaders and teachers are invited to collaborate with colleagues to consider the theories which underpin their view of the child, family, and educator.

        Facilitators will discuss current Mid-Year Reception models, the neuroscience of the brain, EYLF & the Australian Curriculum, and supporting students with diverse needs in learning and development. Opportunities to work alongside, and build networks with, colleagues is an important part of the day.

        Core FOCI and Priorities

        • Transition to school
        • Mid-Year Reception

        AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include
        Standard 1: Know students and how they learn
        Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it
        Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
        Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

        Juliana Martino (Early Childhood Advisor)
        Amy Saunders (Play Therapist)
        Toni Fitzgerald (Education Advisor: Learning Diversity and Equity)
        Marcia Burgess (Senior Education Advisor: RE Curriculum)
        Kelly Spencer (Catholic Identity and Mission Advisor)

        Workshop Enquiries:  

        Registration Enquiries:

        Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

        Registration is essential for planning purposes. Please register by 12 noon Thursday 1 August 2024.

        Car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road.

        • 06 Aug 2024
        • 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
        • Catholic Education Office Boardroom, 116 George St, Thebarton
        • 19

        Joy Filled

        Confirmation Workshop

        We will be exploring Confirmation, in connection to baptism as a Sacrament of Initiation for our local Church.  The catechetical content required for the delivery of the Sacrament of Confirmation will be shared, followed by a range of suitable scripture stories using the medium of Godly Play.

        The Sacramental Team from the Glenelg Catholic Parish will then share a detailed overview of the program they deliver, detailing the roles and responsibilities of each member, examples of the activities they facilitate and the ways in which they have modified and adapted their program to suit the changing needs of the families.

        During afternoon tea, an opportunity will be provided to visit and explore the Catholic Resource Information Service (CRIS).

        The session will begin with a shared meal, provided by the Catholic Education Office, modelling hospitality to all. 

        Presenter: Deacon Andrew Kirkbride and Kelly Spencer

        Intended for: APRIMs, RECs and future Religious Leaders

        Date: 6 August 2024

        Time: 12.30pm - 4.30pm

        Venue: Catholic Education Office Boardroom

        Please note:

        If you have any registration queries please contact Kelly Spencer on 83016873.

        • 07 Aug 2024
        • 4:45 PM - 8:00 PM
        • Catholic Education Office Conference Centre - 116 George Street Thebarton
        • 77

        CESA Growing Deep Masterclass 2024 Presents...

        Teachers Twilight Session

        with Professor Massimo Faggioli

        FREE EVENT | 4.45pm arrival to start at 5pm – 8pm | Wednesday, 7 August

        Professor Massimo Faggioli, PhD is a leading authority on the history and inner workings of the Catholic Church with specific expertise in the Papacy, Vatican II, the Roman Curia, liturgical reform and the Synod, new Catholic movements and on Catholicism and global politics. Featured in national and international media, Massimo can comment on theological, religious and Church-related issues ranging from the historical to the contemporary. Massimo was a key presenter in the 2023 Rome Program for the CESA Executive Leadership Team.

        Understanding the Signs of the Times: how Franciscan reforms are changing the Catholic Church

        Please join us for an FREE evening with Professor Massimo Faggioli.

        Registrations close 26 July 2024

        A light Dinner will be provided.   

        System Accredited Module: Yes

        Full attendance at this 3 hour session can be used as one completed mini-module. Two further mini modules will need to be completed to meet your SAM requirements.

        If you have any registration queries please contact Christina Lagozzino. 

        • 08 Aug 2024
        • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
        • Room 6, CESA Conference Centre, 116 George Street, Thebarton

        Term 3 SPiCE Program New Facilitator Training 2024


        Thursday 8 August 2024

        4:30pm to 6:00pm

        Registration from 12:45pm


        Room 6

        CESA Conference Centre

        116 George Street

        Thebarton  SA  5031

        CESA’s SPiCE Program offers training for new supported playgroup facilitators. This training will include an introduction to CESA's SPiCE Program and guidance and support in facilitating supported playgroup sessions, locating appropriate resources and accessing further professional learning. This training is intended for all new supported playgroup facilitators, as well as existing supported playgroup facilitators that have not been involved in CESA's SPiCE Program previously. 

        Afternoon tea will be supplied.

        Please register by 12 noon Friday 2 August 2024
        Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  
        CESA Registration Centre - Home

        Please contact Emily Bowden at with any queries.

        Please note, for workshops at the CEO Conference Centre, parking is NOT AVAILABLE on site. Visitor car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road. Click Here for more information.

        • 09 Aug 2024
        • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
        • Berri Hotel, Riverview Drive, Berri
        • 31

        Tranche 2 - Schools beginning Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (PBIS) training in 2024

        Following on from PBIS Training day 2, please register here for Training Day 3 with RYPPLE

        Details are:

        • 0830 arrival for 0900 start
        • Bring a pen and device
        • Fully catered
        • Resources for the training day will be available for download at link here PBIS intranet page  a week before the event
        • 1600 finish


        Registration close: Wednesday, 31 July 2024, 12.00pm

        For further information regarding registration:

        Ria Wong or Margaret Bressan

        Catholic Education Office
        Email: or

        • 09 Aug 2024
        • 15 Nov 2024
        • 2 sessions
        • Walkers Arms Hotel, 36 North East Road, Walkerville
        • 33

        Embark on a transformative journey with our "Foundations of Excellence: Empowering Mentors Workshop," exclusively crafted for our new mentors within the Catholic Education community. This two-day workshop is an essential stepping stone in your mentoring path, guiding you through the comprehensive Foundations of Excellence program.

        Unlock Your Mentoring Potential:

        • In-Depth Program Exploration: Delve into the nuances of the Foundations of Excellence program, understanding its structure, goals, and the pivotal role you play as a mentor.
        • Interactive Learning Sessions: Engage in dynamic sessions and practical exercises that will equip you with the skills and knowledge to effectively guide and inspire early career and preservice teachers.
        • Tailored Strategies and Tools: Learn how to customize and apply the program's resources to address the unique needs of your mentees, fostering their growth and development.
        • Collaborative Networking: Connect with fellow mentors, sharing experiences and strategies, thus building a supportive network of dedicated educators.
        • Guidance from Experienced Educators: Gain insights from seasoned mentors and educators who will share their expertise, providing you with a wealth of practical tips and wisdom.

        Why You Should Attend: As a new mentor, you are embarking on a rewarding journey of shaping future educators. This workshop is designed not just to inform but to empower you, enhancing your ability to make a significant impact in the lives of your mentees.

        Event Details:

        Date: Friday 9th August 2024 (Day 1) and Friday 15 November 2024 (Day 2)
        Registration for Day 1 will automatically register you for Day 2
        Venue: Walkers Arms Hotel, 36 North East Road, Walkerville

          Join us for this enriching experience that promises to elevate your mentoring skills and enrich your contribution to Catholic Education. We look forward to welcoming you to the "Foundations of Excellence: Empowering Mentors Workshop."

          • 09 Aug 2024
          • 9:45 AM - 4:00 PM
          • The Lakes Resort Hotel | 141 Brebner Drive, West Lakes
          • 68

          Catholic Education present a Growing Deep Masterclass 2024 

          Is there room for the "woo and the weird" in contemporary Catholicism?

          Looking at another kind of diversity for the synodal Church and today's theology 

          with Professor Massimo Faggioli

          Please join us for this FREE EVENT 

          9.45am arrival to start at 10am – 4pm| Friday 9 August

          The Lakes Resort Hotel | 141 Brebner Drive, West Lakes

          Professor Massimo Faggioli, PhD is a leading authority on the history and inner workings of the Catholic Church with specific expertise in the Papacy, Vatican II, the Roman Curia, liturgical reform and the Synod, new Catholic movements and on Catholicism and global politics. Featured in national and international media, Massimo can comment on theological, religious and Church-related issues ranging from the historical to the contemporary. Massimo was a key presenter in the 2023 Rome Program for the CESA Executive Leadership Team.

          Registrations close 30 July 2024

          System Accredited Module: Yes.

          If you have any registration queries please contact Christina Lagozzino. 

          • 09 Aug 2024
          • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
          • 116 George Street Thebarton - Room 7 & 8

          Dear Colleagues

          In an era of increased awareness and need to keep all the information we hold on students, staff and caregivers safe.

          it is important for us to know what advice we should offer when asked for assistance on systems that hold our information.

          This information stewardship forum explores why we need to make some changes in our approach,

          what we can do to stay safe and how we seek approval for systems in the office or in schools.

          The following session are on offer to gain the information you need please register via registration center.

          If you cannot attend this session there is another session on 

          Please contact Angelique Kalman should you require any further information.
          8301 6105 

          • 13 Aug 2024
          • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
          • Nature Play HQ - Wittunga House, Shepherds Hill Road, Blackwood
          • 8

          Supporting Children’s Development and Wellbeing
          (Applying the Australian Early Development Census [AEDC])

          When:   Tuesday 13 August 2024

          Time:    9:00 am to 4:00 pm

          Where:  Nature Play HQ - Wittunga House, Shepherds Hill Road, Blackwood

          In 2024, the CESA Early Years Team is again offering the opportunity to participate in the Professional Learning: Supporting Children’s Development and Wellbeing (Applying the Australian Early Development Census).

          Participants from the 2023 cohorts are welcomed back to build on the engaging and powerful learning experiences with partner, Nature Play SA. New participants are invited to join the Professional Learning, as well. Participants can attend both days or a single day.

          Supporting Children’s Development and Wellbeing (Applying the Australian Early Development Census) seeks to employ the use of the data gleaned from the AEDC in 2024. The Professional Learning offers participants a breadth and depth of high-quality Early Years practices to foster, nurture and support children’s learning that aligns with the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum, including their earliest literacy and numeracy experiences.

          Provocations will be provided where educators can apply knowledge of the AEDC domains to their understanding of children, childhood, and emergent literacy and numeracy in play-based settings. The domains include:

          • physical health and wellbeing
          • social competence
          • emotional maturity
          • language and cognitive skills (school-based)
          • communication skills and general knowledge.

          Educators will have the opportunity to reflect on the AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers in this work. They will also be able to consider how pedagogical documentation may illustrate their co-constructed work with children and families, as they seek deeper engagement in learning experiences which build child efficacy and capacity, informed by knowledge of the AEDC developmental domains.

          For further information about this professional learning opportunity, please contact:

          Juliana Martino – Early Childhood Advisor:
 or 8301 6832

          Please register by 5pm Thursday 8 August 2024.


          Visitor car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road for all visitors to the George Street or Kintore Street Conference Centres or meeting rooms.

          • 13 Aug 2024
          • 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
          • MSTeams
          • 45

          This session comprises the collaborative engagement component of Induction for teachers new to the Catholic Diocese of Port Pirie.

          This will be an opportunity to welcome, provide some essential information and for conversation and questions.

          Date: Tuesday 13 August 2024, 3.30pm - 5pm

          Venue: Via MS Teams link

          Facilitators:  Bishop Karol Kulczycki, Nichii Mardon (Diocesan Director Catholic Education, Diocese of Port Pirie), Mary Manning (Catholic Identity and Mission Advisor: Port Pirie) and Julian Kluge (Manager: Catholic Identity & Mission, CESA)

          • 14 Aug 2024
          • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
          • Adelaide Pavilion, Cnr. South Tce & Peacock Rd, Adelaide SA 5000
          • 20

          Tranche 2 - Schools beginning Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (PBIS) training in 2024

          Please register here for PBIS Training Day 3 with RYPPLE

          Details are:

          • PBIS Leadership Teams attend the same day and do not split across the two date options.
          • Training session times are: 8.30am arrival for 9am start, finishing at approx 4pm.
          • Bring a pen and device.  
          • Fully catered
          • Resources to be downloaded here at CESA PBIS intranet page beforehand (available a week before the event)
          • Capacity limits set for each training session

          Adelaide Pavillion parking arrangements

          Registration closed: Tuesday, 30 July 2024, 12.00pm


          For further information regarding registration:

          Ria Wong or Margaret Bressan
          Catholic Education Office
          Email: or

          • 14 Aug 2024
          • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

          OSHC Series with Maria Taylor - Webinar #2

          Location: Online
          Date: Term 3, Week 4, Wednesday 14 August 2024
          Time: 1:30pm-2:30pm

          Focus: Play and Play Work 

          This webinar will share the story of site visit #2. Educators from that site will share their key learning and thoughts regarding what next for them.

          This session will also shine a spotlight on MTOP V2 and the language of play within this. How do we enable play for all?

          One of the questions we will unpack is, what do adults do when children are playing? What is their role? We will take a (brief) look at the principles of play work and learn how to document where children are playing. Where are your sites of significance and what do you do with this information?

          Provisional Program

          Facilitator: Maria Taylor

          Please register by 5pm Monday 12 August 2024.

          Workshop Enquiries:  

          Registration Enquiries:

          Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

          • 15 Aug 2024
          • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
          • Adelaide Royal Coach Hotel, 24 Dequetteville Terrace Kent Town
          • 25

          Tranche 2 - Schools beginning Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (PBIS) training in 2024

          Please register here for PBIS Training Day 3 with RYPPLE

          Details are:

          • PBIS Leadership Teams attend the same day and do not split across the two date options.
          • Training session times are: 8.30am arrival for 9am start, finishing at approx 4pm.
          • Bring a pen and device.  
          • Fully catered
          • Resources to be downloaded here at CESA PBIS intranet page beforehand (available a week before the event)
          • Capacity limits set for each training session

          Registration closed: Monday, 5 August 2024, 12.00pm

          Free parking is available at:

          • Adelaide Royal Coach, 24 Dequetteville Terrace
          • Econolodge East Adelaide, 27 Dequetteville Terrace
          • Little Flinders Street
          • Limited parking on Flinders Street and surrounding streets


          For further information regarding registration:

          Ria Wong or Margaret Bressan
          Catholic Education Office
          Email: or

          • 16 Aug 2024
          • 8:45 AM - 5:00 PM
          • Adelaide Oval, War Memorial Drive, North Adelaide (Ian McLachlan Room)
          • 276

          Catholic Education Leaders Forum

           Term 3 2024

          Friday 16 August 2024 | 8.45am for 9.00am start 

          Adelaide Oval, War Memorial Drive, North Terrace (Ian McLachlan Room)

          Registrations close Tuesday 6 August 2024

          Important information from the venue

          Wilson Parking operates two car parks at Adelaide Oval that function guests can access:

          • North Car Park - accessible via Pennington Terrace
          • East Car Park - accessible via King William Road (north-bound only)

          Event/Registration Queries 
          Alanna Langley 

          • 20 Aug 2024
          • 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
          • Room 6, CESA Conference Centre, 116 George St, Thebarton

          Preschool/ELC Leaders Network

          Tuesday 20 August 2024

          Room 6, CESA Conference Centre

          9:00 am - 11:30am

          The Preschool/ELC Leaders Network is an opportunity for Preschool/ELC Leaders and key learning and teaching staff to share, discuss, think critically, and support the work of one another in each Early Childhood Education and Care service.  Different foci are explored in each session and participants are encouraged to actively engage in sessions alongside their early childhood colleagues from the diverse contexts of Catholic Early Childhood Education and Care in South Australia.

          Core FOCI and Priorities

          ·        Networking and professional development in Early Childhood Education and Care

          AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include

          Standard 1: Know students and how they learn
          Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
          Standard 6: Engage in professional learning
          Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

          Intended Audience: Preschool and ELC Leaders

          Facilitators: Juliana Martino (Early Childhood Advisor) & Melissa Edmonds (Preschool & OSHC Compliance Officer)

          Workshop Enquiries:  

          Registration Enquiries:

          Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

          Registration is essential for planning purposes. Please register by 12 noon 15 August 2024.

          Car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road.

          • 20 Aug 2024
          • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
          • Room 6, CESA Registration Centre, 116 George Street, Thebarton

          Occasional Care Network Meeting

          Tuesday 20 August 2024
          Room 6, CESA Conference Centre
          4:00pm - 6:00pm

          These meetings are designed to support the work of educators working in Occasional Care Programs in CESA. We will be holding termly Network meetings to engage educators in Professional Development and showcase examples of best practice in the early years.  

          Workshop Enquiries:  

          Registration Enquiries:

          Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

          Registration is essential for planning purposes. Please register by 12 noon Thursday 15 August 2024.

          Car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road.

          • 21 Aug 2024
          • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
          • CEO Conference Centre, 116 George Street, Thebarton - Rooms 7 & 8
          • 29

          Introduction to Made in the Image of God (MITIOG) Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum Years R-12

          This course is for teachers who will be teaching the Made in the Image of God (MITIOG) Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum and need to do the required training.

          Teachers looking to refresh their knowledge in the recently updated curriculum are also encouraged to undertake the course. Please note it can be used for CPF Level 3.

          The aim of this is to assist teachers to develop an understanding of the Made in the Image of God, Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum Years R-12, and gain confidence and competence in teaching the curriculum.

          This day will include:

          • Familiarisation with the updated Made in the Image of God Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum including the new structure and updated content
          • Exploration of values underpinning the Made in the Image of God Sexuality and Respectful Relationships Curriculum Years R-12
          • Managing sensitivities and protocols for the teaching of the curriculum

          Date: Wednesday 21 August

          Time: 9am - 4pm

          Venue: Catholic Education Office, George Street, Thebarton

          Intended for: R-12 teachers new to Sexuality Education in a Catholic School. It is a requirement that all CESA teachers are trained in this curriculum before teaching is undertaken in MITIOG.

          System Accredited Module: Yes

          AITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:

          Standard 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

          Light refreshments for morning tea will be provided. We ask that you please bring your own lunch for the day or if you wish to buy your lunch there are places close by.

          If you have any registration queries please contact Christina Lagozzino or phone 8301 6659.   

          • 22 Aug 2024
          • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
          • CEO Conference Centre, Room 7
          • 1

          The Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum Training


          The Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum training aims to unpack this curriculum document.
          The Keeping Safe Child Protection document specific aim is to help children from pre-school to senior secondary learn to recognise abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse, its wider focus covers rights, responsibilities, relationships and ethical behaviour.

          This is mandatory training for all teachers in Catholic Schools and a certificate will be forwarded to participants following the session.

          *Please bring your laptop to the session.


          Room 7
          CEO Conference Centre
          116 George Street
          THEBARTON SA 5031

          Morning tea and lunch are provided.

          Please note that parking is not available on site. However, refer to this map to park in the Queen of Angels Church car park.

          INTENDED FOR

          All Teachers in Catholic Schools


          Enquiries about this course can be referred to Andrea Richardson at 08 8301 6662 or


          Standard 2: know the content and how to teach it
          2.1 content and teaching strategies of the teaching area

          Standard 6: engage in professional learning
          6.2 engage in professional learning and improve practice
          6.3 engage with colleagues and improve practice

          Standard 7: engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and community
          7.1 meet professional ethics and responsibilities
          7.2 comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements
          7.4 engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

          Registration: Closes Thursday, 15 August 2024, 4.00pm

          For further information regarding registration:

          Ria Wong

          Catholic Education Office
          Phone:  08 8301 6618


          • 23 Aug 2024
          • 8:45 AM - 4:00 PM
          • Adelaide Pavilion, Veale Gardens, cnr South Terrace & Peacock Road, Adelaide
          • 36


          Secondary School Focus
          Inclusive Education Coordinators Network Day
          Loren Swancutt in partnership
          with Catholic Education SA

          Term 3 Focus: Including Students with Complex Learning Profiles and Making Substantial/Extensive Adjustments
          to Year Level Curriculum

          Friday 23 August 2024

          (Week 5, Term 3)
          from 8.45am - 4.00pm

          Adelaide Pavilion, Veale Gardens,
          cnr South Terrace & Peacock Road, Adelaide


          • Keynote Speaker: Loren Swancutt from School Inclusion - From Theory to Practice. A specialist in the field of inclusive education in Australia.
            Loren Swancutt will present:
          1. Including Students with Complex Learning Profiles
          2. Making substantial/extensive adjustments to year level curriculum.
          • CESA Learning Diversity and Wellbeing Team will present:
          1. Personalised Plans for Learning (PPL) resources update
          2. Writing quality PPLs
          3. Case Management of PPL Practices with opportunities to share.


          • Standard 1: Know the students and how they learn
          • Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
          • Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
          • Standard 6: Engage in professional learning
          • Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community.

          INTENDED FOR:

          Inclusive Education Coordinators (Secondary) , School Leaders, and Leader of Learning/Key Teachers.

          The Term 3 Network Day will be run in two rooms at Adelaide Pavilion on the same day. The professional learning sessions will run concurrently to enable all participants to attend both sessions with the relevant year level focus (i.e. primary or secondary). One group will start the day with Loren Swancutt presenting Including Students with Complex Learning Profiles and Making substantial/extensive adjustments to year level curriculum while the second group will start the day with the Learning Diversity and Wellbeing Education Advisors leading Writing quality PPLs and Case Management of PPL Practices and then the sessions will be repeated. 


          • Acting Manager- Learning Diversity and Wellbeing and the Learning Diversity and Equity Education Advisors.


          Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please advise if you have any dietary requirements. 

          Information on Adelaide Pavilion Parking Arrangements.pdf


          9.00am on Monday 12 August 2024 


          Please contact Margaret Bressan by email at 

          • 23 Aug 2024
          • 8:45 AM - 4:00 PM
          • Adelaide Pavilion, Veale Gardens, cnr South Terrace & Peacock Road, Adelaide
          • 53


          Primary School Focus
          Inclusive Education Coordinators Network Day
          Loren Swancutt in partnership
          with Catholic Education SA

          Term 3 Focus: Including Students with Complex Learning Profiles and Making Substantial/Extensive Adjustments
          to Year Level Curriculum

          Friday 23 August 2024

          (Week 5, Term 3)
          from 8.45am - 4.00pm

          Adelaide Pavilion, Veale Gardens,
          cnr South Terrace & Peacock Road, Adelaide


          • CESA Learning Diversity and Wellbeing Team will present:
          1. Personalised Plans for Learning (PPL) resources update
          2. Writing quality PPLs, and
          3. Case Management of PPL Practices with opportunities to share.
          • Keynote Speaker: Loren Swancutt from School Inclusion - From Theory to Practice. A specialist in the field of inclusive education in Australia.
            Loren Swancutt will present:
          1. Including Students with Complex Learning Profiles (practical)
          2. Making substantial/extensive adjustments to year level curriculum.


          • Standard 1: Know the students and how they learn
          • Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
          • Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
          • Standard 6: Engage in professional learning
          • Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community.

          INTENDED FOR:

          Inclusive Education Coordinators (Primary) , School Leaders, and Leader of Learning/Key Teachers.

          The Term 3 Network Day will be run in two rooms at Adelaide Pavilion on the same day. The professional learning sessions will run concurrently to enable all participants to attend both sessions with the relevant year level focus (i.e. primary or secondary). One group will start the day with Loren Swancutt presenting Including Students with Complex Learning Profiles and Making substantial/extensive adjustments to year level curriculum while the second group will start the day with the Learning Diversity and Wellbeing Education Advisors leading Writing quality PPLs and Case Management of PPL Practices and then the sessions will be repeated. 


          • Acting Manager- Learning Diversity and Wellbeing and the Learning Diversity and Equity Education Advisors.


          Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please advise if you have any dietary requirements. 

          Information on Adelaide Pavilion Parking Arrangements.pdf


          9.00am on Monday 12 August 2024 


          Please contact Margaret Bressan by email at 

          • 23 Aug 2024
          • 9:15 AM - 3:15 PM
          • The University of Adelaide, Waite Campus @ Urrbrae
          • 28


          The Term 3 Professional Learning Day for Career Advisors, VET Coordinators, Industry Engagement Officers & Work Placement Coordinators will be held at The University of Adelaide, Waite Campus.

          The Waite Campus hosts a number of Australia’s leading agriculture, food, wine and environmental research organisations and is home to more than 1,500 staff and undergraduate and postgraduate university students.

          Waite Campus has the largest concentration of expertise in the southern hemisphere in the areas of plant biotechnology, cereal breeding, sustainable agriculture, wine, food, horticulture and land management. The annual research expenditure of the Waite partners is more than $120 million per annum.

          This professional learning day supports quality VET, career development, industry engagement and work experience opportunities for school students, with a focus on enhancing knowledge and understanding of:

          • the unique features and facilities of the Waite Campus
          • degree programs offered at Waite
          • Australian Apprenticeship Support Services in South Australia
          • TAFE SA programs at the Urrbrae Campus
          • updates to the Workplace Learning Agreement Form and procedures 
          • careers in the agriculture, food and wine industries

          The professional learning day will be hosted by the University of Adelaide. Morning Tea will be provided.

            AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers

            Standard 6.2: Engage in professional learning and improve practice

            Standard 6.3: Engage with colleagues and improve practice

            Standard 6.4: Apply professional learning and improve student learning

            Standard 7.4: Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

            Intended Audience: VET Coordinators, Career Advisors, Industry Engagement Educators, Workplace Learning Coordinators

            Facilitators: Louise Murphy (CESA) and The University of Adelaide

            Workshop Enquiries: / T: 8301 6169

            Registration Enquiries:

            Deadline for Registration: COB Wednesday 14 August 2024


            CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

            If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

            • 26 Aug 2024
            • 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM
            • MSTeams
            • 78

            This session for the New teacher induction has a Spirituality focus and will be an opportunity to welcome, provide some essential information and for conversation and questions.

            Date: Monday 26 August 3.30pm - 6.30pm

            Venue: via MSTeams

            Facilitators:  Alison Gore (Senior Education Adviser - Formation)

             Jacinta Astachnowicz (Catholic Identity and Mission Advisor)

            • 28 Aug 2024
            • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
            • Room 6, CESA Conference Centre, 116 George St, Thebarton

            Birth-8 Network - Documenting learning & assessing a play-based curriculum

            Wednesday 28 August 2024

            Room 6, CESA Conference Centre

            4:30 pm - 6:00pm

            A practical session to explore the AEDC domains of development. Gain a deeper understanding of how to resource your outdoor learning environment to support development for every child across all five domains.

            Workshop Enquiries:  

            Registration Enquiries:

            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

            Registration is essential for planning purposes. Please register by 12 noon 23 August 2024.

            Car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road.

            • 29 Aug 2024
            • 04 Sep 2024
            • 2 sessions
            • Catholic Education Office (Conference Centre)
            • 31

            Corporate Services Seminars Term 3 2024 

            These seminars provide an opportunity for principals and senior leaders to engage with a range of current topics and issues of relevance to leading schools. Each seminar will have a major HR or IR focus from the People, Leadership and Culture Section.

            Time:           9.00am to 11.00am

            Please note that the seminars in a term are repeat sessions, so only attendance at one session per term is required. Other leaders may attend.

            Sessions will be held at the Catholic Education Office, Conference Centre Room 7 & 8

            Please contact Maddie Noonan for registration support via email: 

            • 29 Aug 2024
            • 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
            • Room 6
            • 2

            This half day workshop will help you plan for, manage and film your own school videos. 

            Please note: This is not a hands-on, step-by-step workshop in video editing

            Topics covered will include:

            • Video concepts and how to develop your story ideas
            • Identifying video content in your school - from classroom to extra curricular
            • How to write your video storyboards
            • How to plan the logistics for your video shoot
            • How to run the video shoot
            • How to produce your video 
            • How to manage getting video from your families
            • How to get the most value out of it on your various platforms
            • Working with video agencies

            Video is proving to be the most powerful form of marketing and PR for many organisations, including schools. Nothing sells better than showing the life of your school to current families and prospective parents.

            And video production is more than just filming and editing. The best videos start with a story that reflects your values and end with a wide reach to many people on many platforms.

            This half-day session will take you through video development:

            • Developing ideas for your videos that could be filmed internally
            • Planning and filming at your school to ensure you capture the right story and footage
            • Running a professional video shoot yourself
            • Strategies to get the most out of your video on your various platforms.

            While this workshop will greatly help schools without a video budget, it will also provide assistance

            to other schools in working better with outside agencies that provide video services.

            You'll be working with David Rawlings who has 30 years’ experience in developing video content for business, Government and non-profits and 15 years’ experience producing videos for CESA schools, projects and programs - from green screen to on-location filming, internal videos to TV ads.

             COST:  $125 per school





            • 29 Aug 2024
            • 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

            OSHC Series with Maria Taylor - Visit #3

            Location: St Pius X School, 8 Windsor Grove WINDSOR GARDENS SA 5087

            Date: Term 3, Week 6, Thursday 29 August 2024

            Time: 2:00pm-5:00pm

            Focus:  Environments for play that support children to be well

            The visit will begin with a walk around to discuss the environment as the third teacher. Does your space allow for all children to find a place and space that meets their needs?

            A demonstration session will include sensory play opportunities, with a particular focus on being well.

            Please note that 'OSHC Series with Maria Taylor - Webinar #3' will be held on 12 September 2024 (please register via the link)

            Provisional Program

            Facilitator: Maria Taylor

            Please register by 5pm Tuesday 27 August 2024.

            Workshop Enquiries:  

            Registration Enquiries:

            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

            • 30 Aug 2024
            • 8:45 AM - 4:00 PM
            • Catholic Education Office Conference Centre Room 6. 116 George Street, Thebarton
            • 35


            This professional learning is designed for Primary and Secondary teachers.

            Teachers will be supported to understanding how the CESA performance standards have been constructed, while deepening their understanding of the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

            Through this process, teachers will engage in practical activiies to build understanding standards-based assessment and high quality task design. Participants will build assessment tasks and contribute exemplars to the wider CESA Community.

            AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include

            Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

            Intended Audience:  Primary and Secondary Teachers and Leaders

            Facilitators: CESA Coaches - Rebecca Baker, Deborah Hansen


            Registration Enquiries:


            Deadline for Registration: COB Monday 26 August 2024


            Light morning tea and lunch will be provided

            CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

            If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

            • 03 Sep 2024
            • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
            • Rooms 7 & 8, CESA Conference Centre, 116 George Street, Thebarton

            Term 3 SPiCE Program Network Meeting 2024


            Tuesday 3 September 2024

            1:00pm to 3:30pm

            Registration from 12:45pm


            Rooms 7 & 8

            CESA Conference Centre

            116 George Street

            Thebarton  SA  5031

            CESA’s SPiCE Program offers termly SPiCE Program Network Meetings for supported playgroup facilitators. These network meetings are an opportunity to engage in Professional Development and showcase examples of best practice.

            Afternoon tea will be supplied.

            Please register by 12 noon Friday 30 August 2024
            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  
            CESA Registration Centre - Home

            Please contact Emily Bowden at with any queries.

            Please note, for workshops at the CEO Conference Centre, parking is NOT AVAILABLE on site. Visitor car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road. Click Here for more information.

            • 04 Sep 2024
            • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
            • CEO Conference Centre, 116 George Street, Thebarton - Room 6
            • 28


            Build a Crossways Learning Design!

            APRIMs and R-10 teachers working with the Crossways Curriculum are invited to this full day, face to face workshop which aims to take a deep dive into the processes for designing high quality learning and assessment in RE.

            • Exploring contemporary assessment in RE
            • Unpacking the Crossways Performance Standards
            • Writing rich assessment tasks (including surface, deep and transfer learning)
            • How to use the Crossways Website learning design builder

            The goal of the day is to leave with a completed Crossways learning design ready to go!

            Facilitator:  Sue Coghlan, Marcia Burgess and Valeska Laity

            Date: Wednesday 4 September 2024 

            Time: 9am - 4pm

            Venue: CEO Conference Centre, George St, Thebarton, Room 6

            Intended for:  R - 10 Teachers and APRIMs

            System Accredited Module:  Yes

            Light refreshments for morning tea will be provided. We ask that you please bring your own lunch for the day or if you wish to buy your lunch there are places close by.

            If you have any registration queries please contact Christina Lagozzino 

            Testimonials from teachers who completed this workshop in 2023:

            “It was so valuable to go to a PL where I’ve left with a unit plan.”

            “I believe that all RE teachers would benefit from attending, whether they are new graduates or have had decades of experience.”

            “The information and knowledge shared can easily be applied into other learning areas, not just in RE. This information is something I will definitely keep in mind as I plan for ACARA V9.”

            “All (RE leadership) staff from our school are all on the same page now.” 

            “Engaging in the “Build a Crossways Learning Design” helped me move from surface learning to deep learning about the Crossways curriculum and assessment.”

            “Having a day out of school to develop my contemporary learning design for my class supported me to be able to have enough time to build most of the unit and ask for clarification with knowledgeable others.”

            “A positive outcome for me is that it has deepened my knowledge and skills with assessment and unit plans, but I also feel excited about teaching this unit, planning another and excited to be working together as a team at school.”

            • 04 Sep 2024
            • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
            • Rooms 7 & 8, CESA Conference Centre, 116 George St, Thebarton

            OSHC Network Meeting

            Wednesday 4 September 2024

            Rooms 7 & 8, CESA Conference Centre

            10:00 am - 12:00 noon

            To further support the OSHC Directors and Educators termly Network meeting will be facilitated by Melissa Edmonds, Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) & Preschools Compliance Officer. These network meetings offer the opportunity for OSHC Directors and Educators to meet, engage in professional development, and discuss examples of best practice.

            Facilitator: Melissa Edmonds (Preschool & OSHC Compliance Officer)

            Workshop Enquiries:  

            Registration Enquiries:

            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

            Registration is essential for planning purposes. Please register by 12 noon 30 August 2024.

            Car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road.

            • 04 Sep 2024
            • 11 Sep 2024
            • 2 sessions
            • Catholic Education Office (Conference Centre)
            • 15

            Each term, 3 areas will be identified as key topics for discussion, relevant to the needs at the time.  Together with questions and dialogue from schools, these sessions aim to build ongoing communication and relationships between school payroll/HR staff, and the CEO HR and HRIS Teams.

            • 05 Sep 2024
            • 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
            • CEO Conference Centre Room 7
            • 5

            This hands-on media training workshop will help prepare school principals for media interviews.

            Topics covered will include:

            • ·        What makes news? How to help your school make headlines
            • ·        Interview techniques and preparation  
            • ·        Crisis management – what to do when things go pear-shaped!
            • ·        On-camera (TV) performances
            • ·        Radio news and talkback

            This session will suit principals in schools or senior CEO staff who pro-actively seek media coverage and will prepare any principal for a crisis situation where media comment is required.

            The session will be led by Chris Rann and Ron Kanelaars. Chris has a distinguished career in journalism in Australia and overseas including roles with the ABC, BBC and CBS News.  Ron has worked in a variety of media roles over the past 30 years, including as ABC TV’s SA political correspondent and Chief of Staff.  Both have extensive experience as media trainers.

            Places are limited to seven participants per session (This ensures all participants get to experience a live interview and receive a digital recording of their interview).


            REBECCA VELLA

            Rebecca Vella, Communications and PR Manager, CESA, will host the session and provide insights into media management in schools.


            CHRIS RANN

            Chris founded Rann Communication in 1983 after a distinguished career in journalism in Australia and overseas including roles with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, BBC in the UK and CBS News (US). He has a strong understanding of the needs and interests of governments and the business sector, and is recognised nationally for his crisis management skills and ability to provide calm, sound and professional strategic media advice.   Chris has had a 15 year+ association with the Catholic Church community in SA.

            RON KANDELAARS

            Ron has worked in a variety of media roles over the past 30 years, including as ABC TV’s SA political correspondent and Chief of Staff. He wrote and produced Channel 9’s successful travel program Postcards for more than ten years. Ron has also worked as a senior reporter with several commercial newsrooms in Adelaide, and as a public relations consultant. He has conducted media training courses for a variety of corporate and government clients in Australia and overseas for more than 20 years.


            $250 per person

            For further information please contact  or p: 8301 6124.




            • 09 Sep 2024
            • 9:00 AM
            • 23 Sep 2024
            • 4:30 PM
            • Woodhouse Activity Centre, Piccadilly and Seacliff and Brighton Yacht Club, Seacliff
            • 19

            God’s Word is in all Creation- Ecological Conversion

            Leadership Retreat

            Hildegard of Bingen wrote that ‘God’s Word is in all Creation’. Ecological conversion begins and continues with encounter and this retreat allows participants to encounter God’s Word in nature through reflection in a mixture of settings and to also encounter the inspired words of others writing about God’s Creation. It offers time to reflect and to respond to the environment.

            Pope Francis has identified the changes that can occur in us by undergoing an ecological conversion (LS 220):

            • gratitude and gratuitousness (recognition that the world is God’s loving gift)
            • generosity in self-sacrifice and good works
            • a loving awareness of a universal communion with the rest of creation
            • greater creativity and enthusiasm in resolving the world’s problems
            • a feeling of responsibility based on faith

            These are important attributes for leaders of Catholic education to cultivate.

            Presenter: Monica Conway

            Intended for: Principals, Deputies and APRIMs

            Dates and Venues: 

            Program is inclusive of all three dates.

            Monday 9 September, Seeonee conference venue, Woodhouse in Piccadilly

            Monday 16 September, Seacliff and Brighton Yacht club, Seacliff

            Monday 23 September, Seeonee conference venue, Woodhouse in Piccadilly

            Please note:

            If you have any registration queries please contact Alison Gore at  or phone 8301 6632.    

            • 10 Sep 2024

            Expression of Interest only

            • Due to a limited number of 40 participants this is an Expression of Interest only.  Final placements will be confirmed in Term 2.
            • Schools are encouraged to nominate a Leader of Learner or similar, one per campus.

            Format: The Understanding PAT workshop will be facilitated face to face by two ACER presenters. 

            Date and Location: 10 September @ 116 George St, Thebarton


            This workshop is designed for educators who want to develop their knowledge and understanding of PAT and the Progressive Achievement approach. It provides an overview of PAT implementation in the Maths and Reading domains, from accessing student data to identifying students' next steps in their learning, in a range of school environments.

            In this highly practical workshop, you will learn how to effectively analyse student assessment data to determine students' understanding of key skills and concepts, and identify their teaching and learning needs. We recommend that you arrange access to the data in your school’s online account to use in this session to make your learning as effective as possible.

            Every step of the PAT assessment process is covered, from tutorials and investigation tasks demonstrating how to access student data, to case studies illustrating simple reporting and data interrogation methods that will help you link data with teaching practice.

            The evidence-based, holistic Progressive Achievement approach helps educators monitor student growth and target teaching where it is needed most, and Understanding PAT will show you how to get the most from your PAT data.

            Recommended prior learning

            No prior PAT professional learning is required. It is highly recommended that participants organise access to the data in their school’s online account for this session.

            Intended learning outcomes

            Participants will learn how to:

            • better understand the Progressive Achievement approach
            • effectively implement PAT
            • interrogate PAT data through reports
            • monitor student growth and use PAT to identify next steps in students' learning.

            Course Enquiries: / T: 8301 6191

            Deadline for Expression of Interest: COB Friday 5 July 2024.

            CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

            If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

            • 10 Sep 2024
            • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
            • Catholic Education Office, Conference Centre Room 6 @ 116 George Street, Thebarton
            • 25


            Career education helps young people to be thriving learners at school and feel hopeful about their lives beyond school. It encourages students to find purpose in work and prepares them for a world of work, yet to be imagined.

            Schools have a fundamental role in broadening the career aspirations of young people and teaching the skills needed to realistically investigate careers, with an understanding of labour market information and employability skills. Career education benefits all students, with greatest impact on bridging the divide for students from disadvantaged backgrounds and those underrepresented in tertiary study.

            This workshop for Teachers, Lead Career Education Ambassadors, Career Advisors and Educators supporting career education in their school, explores:

            • how to be more confident teaching career education;
            • ideas for showcasing student career learning to your school community and parents;
            • information about the Australian Universities Accord, the role of schools in achieving the aims of the Universities Accord and how schools empower students to confidently explore post-school pathways by beginning career education from the Primary Years through Middle School;
            • ways to personalise the BECOME lessons to bring them to life for students;
            • the ways in which role models shape the aspirations of children and young people underrepresented in tertiary education (VET and university study);
            • the career aspirations of your students - what does the data your school collects indicate and how can your school use the data to inform future career events, career speakers and opportunities for students?;
            • how the social and emotional learning embed within career education drives authentic student agency by broadening the career aspirations of children and young people;
            • deep thinking about careers and job factors, relevant for primary and middle school students and
            • why every teacher is a career teacher (even if they don’t realise it!).

            AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers

            Standard 6.2: Engage in professional learning and improve practice

            Standard 6.3: Engage with colleagues and improve practice

            Standard 6.4: Apply professional learning and improve student learning

            Standard 7.4: Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

            Intended Audience: Teachers, Career Advisors, Inclusive Education Educators and Lead Career Education Ambassadors of schools delivering the BECOME Career Education Program in 2024

            Facilitators: Louise Murphy (CESA) and Liv Pennie & Grace Kinch (BECOME Education)

            Workshop Enquiries: / T: 8301 6169

            Registration Enquiries:

            Deadline for Registration: COB Monday 2 September 2024
            (There is no restriction on the number of staff that can attend from one school)


            CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

            If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

            • 12 Sep 2024
            • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

            OSHC Series with Maria Taylor - Webinar #3

            Location: Online
            Date: Term 3, Week 8, Thursday 12 September 2024
            Time: 9:30am-10:30am

            Focus: How can adults be advocates of play? How can a deep dive into MTOP V2 support this work? 

            This webinar will share the story of site visit #3. Educators from that site will share their key learning and thoughts regarding what next for them.

            This session will also explore environments, with a specific look at the pace of routines and activities. Why do you do the things you do? Who does this serve? Does your space allow for all children to find a place and space that meets their needs?

            Provisional Program

            Facilitator: Maria Taylor

            Please register by 5pm Tuesday 10 September 2024.

            Workshop Enquiries:  

            Registration Enquiries:

            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

            • 12 Sep 2024
            • 5:00 PM
            • 13 Sep 2024
            • 3:00 PM
            • The Monastery - 15 Cross Road, Urrbrae 5064
            • 16

            Vocational Inspired Prophetic (VIP)

            Early Career with CESA Teachers Program

            Date: 5pm Thursday 12 September 2024 - 3pm Friday 13 September 2024

            Venue: The Monastery, 15 Cross Road, Urrbrae SA 5064 

            A Retreat experience providing faith formation for teachers early in their careers in Catholic Education. This program forms part of the Foundations of Excellence Induction Program towards accreditation to teach in CESA schools.

            Through this residential program we aim to support and companion teachers early in their spiritual and religious formation.

            This Spiritual and Religious Formation will provide an opportunity to: 

            • Provide enhanced spiritual and religious formation as part of their induction into Catholic Education South Australia
            • Provide pastoral, spiritual and mentoring support for new teachers to the sector
            • Companion participants to support their ongoing formation
            • Inspire personal faith and prayer life of educators
            • Deepen teachers’ experience and understandings in order to support their key role as educators and witnesses within the Catholic school environment

            CESA will cover the costs including program materials, accommodation, catering and one days TRT.

            Registrations close Thursday 29 August

            For further information regarding the program, please contact: or phone 8301 6632

            • 13 Sep 2024
            • 8:45 AM - 4:00 PM
            • Catholic Education Office, Conference Centre Room 8. 116 George Street, Thebarton
            • 53


            This practical session is for all early years and primary school teachers and Leaders of Learning.

            Participants will:

            •review the literacy skills required across learning areas

            •create a scope and sequence for developing subject-specific writing skills

            •analyse and annotate model texts, highlighting important features to teach in the classroom

            AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include

            Standard 1: Know students and how they learn

            Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it

            Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

            Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

            Intended Audience:  Early Years and Primary English Teachers

            Facilitators: CESA Coaches - Karla Sparapani, Sarah Byrne


            Registration Enquiries:

            Light morning tea & Lunch will be provided


            Deadline for Registration: COB Monday 17 June 2024

            CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

            If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

            • 17 Sep 2024
            • 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
            • Room 7
            • 15

            Your school's prospectus can be the first - and only - chance your school has of making a lasting impression.  Prospective parents choose the schools they wish to visit based on how you present yourself to them.

            So what is in your prospectus and is it doing the best job it can in selling your school?

            In this working session, we will have a look at what's in your school's prospectus (and marketing material), identify what should or could be in there and give you some ideas on how you could improve it.  We’ll look at how the pandemic has affected how people consume information, and how your school can respond to it.

            There will be an opportunity to brainstorm with others (or your own school team if more than one of you attends) in a way that will enhance the messages you provide at an important time in the decision-making process.

            You'll be working with David Rawlings who has 30 years’ experience in developing prospectuses for business, non-profits and schools, and 15 years’ experience working with CESA and helping schools to communicate with prospective parents and families.

            COST:  $125 per school

            Optional Coaching Session

            An extra hour of one-on-one coaching is available for your school. In that hour, held online, you will receive personalised input, ideas and feedback on your prospectus, and ask any questions that are specific to your school, the way you produce your prospectus or distribute it.

            The cost of this coaching session is not included in the registration cost of your workshop and can be booked on the day with David Rawlings if required. 





            • 18 Sep 2024
            • 9:00 AM
            • 26 Feb 2025
            • 4:00 AM

            These MultiLit Professional Learning offerings are exclusive to CESA schools and are provided at a significantly reduced cost to schools.

              Workshop Date 1             Workshop Date 2
            InitiaLit 4–5 Nov 2024             21–22 Jan 2025                  
            SpellEx 15 Nov 2024  
            MiniLit Sage 31 Oct–1 Nov 2024 10–11 Feb 2025
            MacqLit 7–8 Nov 2024 24–25 Feb 2025
            InitiaLit Assessment and monitoring Webinar** 11 Sept. 2024  


            This workshop will be run by MultiLit.  Professional Development Workshops cover the practical implementation and delivery of the program. Training is compulsory prior to the implementation of the program, to ensure quality of delivery.

            2 Day workshops require participation on both days.

            Click HERE for Program descriptions and cost details.

            AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers:

            Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it

            Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

            Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

            Standard 6: Engage in professional learning

            Facilitator: MultiLit

            Mode: All sessions are online.

            Workshop Enquiries: &

            CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop. If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

            If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

            ** InitiaLit Assessment and monitoring Webinar 

            This is the first of smaller, free workshops provided by MultiLit to CESA schools.  This does not replace program specific workshops, but focuses on a key area of a program to reiterate concepts or provide an overview to Leadership.

            A deep dive into what and why.

            Regular assessment and monitoring of student learning is a hallmark of effective instruction. It is critical in ensuring what you are teaching has been learned.

            Frequent monitoring via the assessments included with InitiaLit provide you with comprehensive data and information allowing you to make targeted instructional decisions and maximise learning for all students. They also ensure no student falls through the cracks.

            This webinar will be an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the purpose of InitiaLit program assessments built into the instructional sequence and the Wheldall assessments (WARN, WARL and WARP).

            The webinar will address:

            • How InitiaLit assessments work within the Response to Intervention framework.
            • Similarities and differences between curriculum-based assessment (CBA) and curriculum-based measurement (CBM).
            • What the assessments tell us about student learning and progress.
            • Considerations for instructional decision-making.

            This session is open to all but is highly recommended for QPT members to better understand student monitoring.

            • 18 Sep 2024
            • 10:00 AM
            • 20 Sep 2024
            • 4:30 PM
            • The Monastery - 15 Cross Road, Urrbrae
            • 17

            NEW DATE: Wed 18 - Fri 20 September

             TALKING THE WALK RETREAT: A chance to deepen your Reflective Practice

            Leaders Retreat

            How do we learn to discern along our winding journey? What dispositions help us notice movements of the Spirit in everyday life and work? How can we embody the truths we discern? These questions all concern our approach to reflective practice—how we connect faith and experience and live the implications. We rarely reflect on such a natural human rhythm!

            Talking the Walk is a contemplative, holistic, individual and communal approach that deepens Christian reflective practice. Drawn from the Emmaus Road story (Lk 24) and the labyrinth, it offers three movements for meaning-making: contemplative conversation, imaginative discernment, and courageous embodiment. Talking the Walk emphasises presence and encounter, not just insight and activity; mystery more than mastery, and confidence more than certainty; fruitfulness from relationship, more than results from productivity; questions that open, more than answers that shut; the journey with, not just the destination towards; circuitous depth more than linear progress.

            This soulful, robust and practical retreat offers the chance to work on a chosen experience by yourself and with another in a safe and structured way. Come to be renewed and equipped through an immersive experience to help you better walk and talk along the wisdom way.

            Registrations close Wednesday 4 September

            The cost of this event is $500

            Presenter: Bruce Hulme

            Date: Wednesday 18 - Friday 20 September 2024 (Term 3, Week 9)

            Venue: The Monastery, 15 Cross Road, Urrbrae

            Cost: $500 (includes accommodation costs)

            Please note:

            If you have any registration queries please contact Alison Gore or phone 8301 6632. 


            Invoices will be sent closer to the event. 

            • 24 Sep 2024
            • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
            • Nature Play HQ - Wittunga House, Shepherds Hill Road, Blackwood
            • 9

            Supporting Children’s Development and Wellbeing
            (Applying the Australian Early Development Census [AEDC])

            When:   Tuesday 24 September 2024

            Time:    9:00 am to 4:00 pm

            Where:  Nature Play HQ - Wittunga House, Shepherds Hill Road, Blackwood

            In 2024, the CESA Early Years Team is again offering the opportunity to participate in the Professional Learning: Supporting Children’s Development and Wellbeing (Applying the Australian Early Development Census).

            Participants from the 2023 cohorts are welcomed back to build on the engaging and powerful learning experiences with partner, Nature Play SA. New participants are invited to join the Professional Learning, as well. Participants can attend both days or a single day.

            Supporting Children’s Development and Wellbeing (Applying the Australian Early Development Census) seeks to employ the use of the data gleaned from the AEDC in 2024. The Professional Learning offers participants a breadth and depth of high-quality Early Years practices to foster, nurture and support children’s learning that aligns with the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum, including their earliest literacy and numeracy experiences.

            Provocations will be provided where educators can apply knowledge of the AEDC domains to their understanding of children, childhood, and emergent literacy and numeracy in play-based settings. The domains include:

            • physical health and wellbeing
            • social competence
            • emotional maturity
            • language and cognitive skills (school-based)
            • communication skills and general knowledge.

            Educators will have the opportunity to reflect on the AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers in this work. They will also be able to consider how pedagogical documentation may illustrate their co-constructed work with children and families, as they seek deeper engagement in learning experiences which build child efficacy and capacity, informed by knowledge of the AEDC developmental domains.

            For further information about this professional learning opportunity, please contact:

            Juliana Martino – Early Childhood Advisor:
   or 8301 6832

            Please register by 5pm Thursday 19 September 2024.


            Visitor car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road for all visitors to the George Street or Kintore Street Conference Centres or meeting rooms.

            • 27 Sep 2024
            • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
            • CEO Conference Centre, Room 7
            • 0
            Registration is closed

            The Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum Training


            The Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum training aims to unpack this curriculum document.
            The Keeping Safe Child Protection document specific aim is to help children from pre-school to senior secondary learn to recognise abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse, its wider focus covers rights, responsibilities, relationships and ethical behaviour.

            This is mandatory training for all teachers in Catholic Schools and a certificate will be forwarded to participants following the session.

            *Please bring your laptop to the session.


            Room 7
            CEO Conference Centre
            116 George Street
            THEBARTON SA 5031

            Morning tea and lunch are provided.

            Please note that parking is not available on site. However, refer to this map to park in the Queen of Angels Church car park.

            INTENDED FOR

            All Teachers in Catholic Schools


            Enquiries about this course can be referred to Andrea Richardson at 08 8301 6662 or

            AITSL STANDARDS:

            Standard 2: know the content and how to teach it
            2.1 content and teaching strategies of the teaching area

            Standard 6: engage in professional learning
            6.2 engage in professional learning and improve practice
            6.3 engage with colleagues and improve practice

            Standard 7: engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and community
            7.1 meet professional ethics and responsibilities
            7.2 comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements
            7.4 engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

            Registration: Closes Friday, 20 September, 4.00pm

            For further information regarding registration:

            Ria Wong

            Catholic Education Office
            Phone:  08 8301 6618


            • 30 Sep 2024
            • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
            • CEO Conference Centre, Room 8
            • 16

            The Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum Training


            The Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum training aims to unpack this curriculum document.
            The Keeping Safe Child Protection document specific aim is to help children from pre-school to senior secondary learn to recognise abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse, its wider focus covers rights, responsibilities, relationships and ethical behaviour.

            This is mandatory training for all teachers in Catholic Schools and a certificate will be forwarded to participants following the session.

            *Please bring your laptop to the session.


            Room 8
            CEO Conference Centre
            116 George Street
            THEBARTON SA 5031

            Morning tea and lunch are provided.

            Please note that parking is not available on site. However, refer to this map to park in the Queen of Angels Church car park.

            INTENDED FOR

            All Teachers in Catholic Schools


            Enquiries about this course can be referred to Andrea Richardson at 08 8301 6662 or

            AITSL STANDARDS:

            Standard 2: know the content and how to teach it
            2.1 content and teaching strategies of the teaching area

            Standard 6: engage in professional learning
            6.2 engage in professional learning and improve practice
            6.3 engage with colleagues and improve practice

            Standard 7: engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and community
            7.1 meet professional ethics and responsibilities
            7.2 comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements
            7.4 engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

            Registration: Closes Monday, 23 September 2024, 4.00pm

            For further information regarding registration:

            Ria Wong

            Catholic Education Office
            Phone:  08 8301 6618


            • 10 Oct 2024
            • 8:45 AM
            • 11 Oct 2024
            • 3:30 PM
            • Walkers Arms Hotel, 36 North East Road, Walkerville
            • 45

            Elevate your teaching career to new heights with our "HALT Masterclass: Advancing Excellence in Education." This two-day intensive workshop is tailored for educators aspiring to achieve Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) status. Join us for an enriching experience designed to propel your professional growth and recognition in the education sector.

            What to Expect from the HALT Masterclass:

            • Expert-Led Sessions: Learn from accomplished educators and HALT-certified professionals who will share their journey, insights, and strategies for achieving certification.
            • In-Depth Understanding of HALT Standards: Dive deep into the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Highly Accomplished and Lead levels. Understand what excellence looks like in practice.
            • Collaborative Learning: Engage with peers who are also on the path to HALT certification. Share experiences, challenges, and solutions in a supportive, collaborative environment.
            • Practical Tools and Resources: Gain access to valuable resources and tools to help you build a strong portfolio and prepare for the assessment process.
            • Action Planning: Develop a clear, actionable plan for your journey towards HALT certification, with milestones and strategies to guide your progress.

            Why Join the HALT Masterclass? This masterclass is more than just a workshop; it's a launching pad for your aspiration to be recognized as a leader in education. Whether you're just starting on your HALT journey or ready to submit your application, this masterclass will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to succeed.

            Event Details:

            Secure your spot in the "HALT Masterclass: Advancing Excellence in Education" today, and take a significant step towards realising your potential as a leading educator.

            • 10 Oct 2024
            • 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
            • MSTeams
            • 78

            This session for the New teacher induction has a Spirituality focus and will be an opportunity to welcome, provide some essential information and for conversation and questions.

            Date: Thursday 10 October 2pm - 5pm

            Venue: via MSTeams 

            Facilitators:  Alison Gore (Senior Education Adviser - Formation)

             Jacinta Astachnowicz (Catholic Identity and Mission Advisor)

            • 18 Oct 2024
            • 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

            OSHC Series with Maria Taylor - Visit #4

            Location: St Francis School, 458 Henley Beach Road LOCKLEYS SA 5032

            Date: Term 4, Week 1, Friday 18 October 2024

            Time: 1:30pm-4:30pm

            Focus:  Sustainability in action. What might we do with children to improve outcomes for all?

            The visit will begin a 60-minute session to explore sustainability within MTOP (V2) as well as a sustainability audit that includes children. What do we love? What needs more love? How can we consider ‘earth care and people share’ in our service?

            Children will also enjoy a 30-minute facilitated session to create with preloved materials.

            Please note that 'OSHC Series with Maria Taylor - Webinar #4' will be held on 8 November 2024 (please register via the link)

            Provisional Program

            Facilitator: Maria Taylor

            Please register by 5pm Wednesday 16 October 2024.

            Workshop Enquiries:  

            Registration Enquiries:

            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

            • 22 Oct 2024
            • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
            • Berri Hotel, Riverview Drive, Berri
            • 37

            Tranche 2 - Schools beginning Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (PBIS) training in 2024

            Following on from PBIS Training day 3, please register here for Training Day 4 with RYPPLE

            Details are:

            • 0830 arrival for 0900 start
            • Bring a pen and device
            • Fully catered
            • Resources for the training day will be available for download at link here PBIS intranet page  a week before the event
            • 1600 finish

            Registration closed: Friday, 11 October 2024, 4.00pm


            For further information regarding registration:

            Ria Wong or Margaret Bressan
            Catholic Education Office
            Email: or

            • 24 Oct 2024
            • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
            • SANCTUARY, Adelaide Zoo (Attenborough Room), 1 Plane Tree Drive
            • 23

            Tranche 2 - Schools beginning Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (PBIS) training in 2024

            Please register here for PBIS Training Day 4 with RYPPLE

            Details are:

            • PBIS Leadership Teams attend the same day and do not split across the two date options.
            • Training session times are: 8.30am arrival for 9am start, finishing at approx 4pm.
            • Bring a pen and device.  
            • Fully catered
            • Resources to be downloaded here at CESA PBIS intranet page beforehand (available a week before the event)
            • Capacity limits set for each training session

            Registration closed: 15 October 2024, 12.00pm

            Sanctuary Parking Instructions 2024.pdf


            For further information regarding registration:

            Ria Wong or Margaret Bressan
            Catholic Education Office
            Email: or

            • 25 Oct 2024
            • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
            • SANCTUARY, Adelaide Zoo (Attenborough Room), 1 Plane Tree Drive
            • 45

            Tranche 2 - Schools beginning Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (PBIS) training in 2024

            Please register here for PBIS Training Day 4 with RYPPLE

            Details are:

            • PBIS Leadership Teams attend the same day and do not split across the two date options.
            • Training session times are: 8.30am arrival for 9am start, finishing at approx 4pm.
            • Bring a pen and device.  
            • Fully catered
            • Resources to be downloaded here at CESA PBIS intranet page beforehand (available a week before the event)
            • Capacity limits set for each training session

            Registration closed: Tuesday, 15 October 2024, 12.00pm

            Sanctuary Parking Instructions 2024.pdf


            For further information regarding registration:

            Ria Wong or Margaret Bressan
            Catholic Education Office
            Email: or

            • 25 Oct 2024
            • 8:45 AM - 4:00 PM
            • Catholic Education Office Conference Centre Room 6. 116 George Street, Thebarton
            • 39


            Teachers will be supported to understand how the CESA performance standards have been constructed, while deepening their understanding of the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

            Through this process, teachers will engage in practical activities to build their understanding around standards-based assessment and high-quality task design.

            AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include

            Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

            Intended Audience:  Primary and Secondary Teachers and Leaders

            Facilitators: CESA Coaches - Rosa Angelino, Lisa Karanicolou


            Registration Enquiries:


            Deadline for Registration: COB Monday 21 October 2024


            Light morning tea and lunch will be provided

            CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

            If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

            • 30 Oct 2024
            • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
            • SANCTUARY, Adelaide Zoo (Attenborough Room), 1 Plane Tree Drive
            • 92

            Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (PBIS)
            Tranche 1 - Adelaide group

            Please register here for the in-person PBIS Bridging session Tier 2A.2 with RYPPLE.

            Details are:

            • PBIS Leadership Team attends
            • Session times:  8.30am arrival for 9am start, finishing at approx 4pm.
            • Bring a pen and device.  
            • Fully catered
            • Resources TBC

            Registration closed: Friday, 18 October 2024, 4.00pm

            Sanctuary Parking Instructions 2024.pdf


            For further information regarding registration:

            Ria Wong or Margaret Bressan
            Catholic Education Office
            Email: or

            • 04 Nov 2024
            • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
            • Port Pirie Sports Precinct
            • 48

            Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (PBIS)
            Tranche 1 - Port Pirie group

            Please register here for PBIS Bridging session (Tier 2A.2) with RYPPLE.

            Details are:

            • PBIS Leadership Team attends
            • Session times:  8.30am arrival for 9am start, finishing at approx 4pm.
            • Bring a pen and device.  
            • Fully catered
            • Resources TBC 

            Registration closed: Thursday, 24 October, 4.00pm


            For further information regarding registration:

            Ria Wong or Margaret Bressan
            Catholic Education Office
            Email: or

            • 06 Nov 2024
            • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
            • Room 6, CESA Conference Centre, 116 George St, Thebarton

            Birth-8 Network  -  Coming together through play

            Wednesday 6 November 2024

            Room 6, CESA Conference Centre

            4:30 pm - 6:00pm

            A practical session to explore the AEDC domains of development. Gain a deeper understanding of how to resource your outdoor learning environment to support development for every child across all five domains.

            Workshop Enquiries:  

            Registration Enquiries:

            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

            Registration is essential for planning purposes. Please register by 12 noon 1 November 2024.

            Car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road.

            • 08 Nov 2024
            • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

            OSHC Series with Maria Taylor - Webinar #4

            Location: Online
            Date: Term 4, Week 4, Friday 8 November 2024
            Time: 11:00am-12 noon

            Focus: Sustainability in action 

            This webinar will share the story of sustainability in action from site visit #4. Educators from that site will share their key learning and thoughts regarding what next for them.

            This session will also explore MTOP (V.2) and where sustainability is included throughout. What might this mean for the structures you have in place? This webinar will also be our last session online, and will provide time and space to share wins, ideas and what next for your team.

            Provisional Program

            Facilitator: Maria Taylor

            Please register by 5pm Wednesday 6 November 2024.

            Workshop Enquiries:  

            Registration Enquiries:

            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

            • 11 Nov 2024
            • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
            • Flinders University Hub, Bedford Park Campus
            • 27


            The Term 4 Professional Learning Day for Career Advisors, VET Coordinators, Industry Engagement Officers & Work Placement Coordinators will be held at the Flinders University Hub, Bedford Park Campus.

            The day will provide pertinent information to schools about:

            • Updates and changes to university course offerings for 2025,
            • The University of Adelaide,
            • Flinders University,
            • UniSA,
            • SACE Board updates, VET resulting and Year 12 resulting for 2024 and
            • Adelaide University, which will commence from 2026.

            The professional learning day is hosted by Flinders University. Morning tea and lunch will be provided.

            AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers

            Standard 6.2: Engage in professional learning and improve practice

            Standard 6.3: Engage with colleagues and improve practice

            Standard 6.4: Apply professional learning and improve student learning

            Standard 7.4: Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

            Intended Audience: VET Coordinators, Career Advisors, Industry Engagement Educators, Workplace Learning Coordinators

            Facilitators: Louise Murphy (CESA) and The University of Adelaide

            Workshop Enquiries: / T: 8301 6169

            Registration Enquiries:

            Deadline for Registration: COB Friday 1 November 2024


            CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

            If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

            • 12 Nov 2024
            • 14 Nov 2024
            • 2 sessions
            • Catholic Education Office (Conference Centre)
            • 21

            Each term, 3 areas will be identified as key topics for discussion, relevant to the needs at the time.  Together with questions and dialogue from schools, these sessions aim to build ongoing communication and relationships between school payroll/HR staff, and the CEO HR and HRIS Teams.

            • 14 Nov 2024
            • 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
            • Room 6, CESA Conference Centre, 116 George St, Thebarton

            Preschool/ELC Leaders Network

            Thursday 14 November 2024

            Room 6, CESA Conference Centre

            9:00 am - 11:30am

            The Preschool/ELC Leaders Network is an opportunity for Preschool/ELC Leaders and key learning and teaching staff to share, discuss, think critically, and support the work of one another in each Early Childhood Education and Care service.  Different foci are explored in each session and participants are encouraged to actively engage in sessions alongside their early childhood colleagues from the diverse contexts of Catholic Early Childhood Education and Care in South Australia.

            Core FOCI and Priorities

            ·        Networking and professional development in Early Childhood Education and Care

            AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include

            Standard 1: Know students and how they learn
            Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
            Standard 6: Engage in professional learning
            Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

            Intended Audience: Preschool and ELC Leaders

            Facilitators: Juliana Martino (Early Childhood Advisor) & Melissa Edmonds (Preschool & OSHC Compliance Officer)

            Workshop Enquiries:  

            Registration Enquiries:

            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

            Registration is essential for planning purposes. Please register by 12 noon 8 November 2024.

            Car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road.

            • 15 Nov 2024
            • 8:45 AM - 3:30 PM
            • Walkers Arms Hotel, 36 North East Road, Walkerville
            • 47

            Embark on a transformative journey with our "Foundations of Excellence: Empowering Mentors Workshop," exclusively crafted for our new mentors within the Catholic Education community. This two-day workshop is an essential stepping stone in your mentoring path, guiding you through the comprehensive Foundations of Excellence program.

            Unlock Your Mentoring Potential:

            • In-Depth Program Exploration: Delve into the nuances of the Foundations of Excellence program, understanding its structure, goals, and the pivotal role you play as a mentor.
            • Interactive Learning Sessions: Engage in dynamic sessions and practical exercises that will equip you with the skills and knowledge to effectively guide and inspire early career and preservice teachers.
            • Tailored Strategies and Tools: Learn how to customize and apply the program's resources to address the unique needs of your mentees, fostering their growth and development.
            • Collaborative Networking: Connect with fellow mentors, sharing experiences and strategies, thus building a supportive network of dedicated educators.
            • Guidance from Experienced Educators: Gain insights from seasoned mentors and educators who will share their expertise, providing you with a wealth of practical tips and wisdom.

            Why You Should Attend: As a new mentor, you are embarking on a rewarding journey of shaping future educators. This workshop is designed not just to inform but to empower you, enhancing your ability to make a significant impact in the lives of your mentees.

            Event Details:

            • Date: Friday, 15th November 2024
            • Venue: Walkers Arms Hotel, 36 North East Road, Walkerville
            • Registration:

            Join us for this enriching experience that promises to elevate your mentoring skills and enrich your contribution to Catholic Education. We look forward to welcoming you to the "Foundations of Excellence: Empowering Mentors Workshop."

            • 15 Nov 2024
            • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
            • CEO Conference Centre, Room 7
            • 17

            The Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum Training


            The Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum training aims to unpack this curriculum document.
            The Keeping Safe Child Protection document specific aim is to help children from pre-school to senior secondary learn to recognise abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse, its wider focus covers rights, responsibilities, relationships and ethical behaviour.

            This is mandatory training for all teachers in Catholic Schools and a certificate will be forwarded to participants following the session.

            *Please bring your laptop to the session.


            Room 7
            CEO Conference Centre
            116 George Street
            THEBARTON SA 5031

            Morning tea and lunch are provided.

            Please note that parking is not available on site. However, refer to this map to park in the Queen of Angels Church car park.

            INTENDED FOR

            All Teachers in Catholic Schools


            Enquiries about this course can be referred to Andrea Richardson at 08 8301 6662 or

            AITSL STANDARDS:

            Standard 2: know the content and how to teach it
            2.1 content and teaching strategies of the teaching area

            Standard 6: engage in professional learning
            6.2 engage in professional learning and improve practice
            6.3 engage with colleagues and improve practice

            Standard 7: engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and community
            7.1 meet professional ethics and responsibilities
            7.2 comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements
            7.4 engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

            Registration: Closes Friday, 8 November , 4.00pm

            For further information regarding registration:

            Ria Wong

            Catholic Education Office
            Phone:  08 8301 6618


            • 18 Nov 2024
            • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
            • 36 North East Road, Walkerville SA

            HALT Masterclass Day 2: Elevate Your Application, Celebrate Excellence

            Join us on November 18th for an enriching Day 2 of our HALT Masterclass series! This follow-up session is designed to provide targeted support and guidance for educators who have attended our initial one-day masterclass and are now progressing through their HALT application journey.

            Morning Session: Application Support Receive personalised advice and expert insights to refine your HALT application. Our specialists will be on hand to address your specific questions and help you align your evidence with certification descriptors.

            Afternoon Session: HALT Success Stories & Networking After lunch, we're excited to welcome our certified Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers for an inspiring session of shared experiences. Hear firsthand accounts of the HALT journey, gain valuable tips, and understand the impact of certification on professional growth. If you are a HALT we will cater lunch for you and you will receive a ½ day release for your time.

            The day will conclude with a relaxed networking session, offering the perfect opportunity to connect with peers, mentors and certified HALTs over refreshments.

            Don't miss this chance to boost your application, gain inspiration and expand your professional network!

            • Date: November 18th 2024
            • Time: 9.00-4.00
            • Location: Walkers Arms Hotel, 35 North East Rd, Walkerville

            Register now to secure your spot in this exclusive event!

            Belinda Radcliffe and Adrian Dilger

            Early Career and Teacher Certification Advisors

            • 20 Nov 2024
            • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
            • Room 7, CESA Registration Centre, 116 George Street, Thebarton

            Occasional Care Network Meeting

            Wednesday 20 November 2024
            Room 7, CESA Conference Centre
            4:00pm - 6:00pm

            These meetings are designed to support the work of educators working in Occasional Care Programs in CESA. We will be holding termly Network meetings to engage educators in Professional Development and showcase examples of best practice in the early years.  

            Workshop Enquiries:  

            Registration Enquiries:

            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

            Registration is essential for planning purposes. Please register by 12 noon Friday 15 November 2024.

            Car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road.

            • 21 Nov 2024
            • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
            • Rooms 7 & 8, CESA Conference Centre, 116 George Street, Thebarton

            Term 4 SPiCE Program Network Meeting 2024


            Thursday 21 November 2024

            1:00pm to 3:30pm

            Registration from 12:45pm


            Rooms 7 & 8

            CESA Conference Centre

            116 George Street

            Thebarton  SA  5031

            CESA’s SPiCE Program offers termly SPiCE Program Network Meetings for supported playgroup facilitators. These network meetings are an opportunity to engage in Professional Development and showcase examples of best practice.

            Afternoon tea will be supplied.

            Please register by 12 noon Friday 15 November 2024
            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  
            CESA Registration Centre - Home

            Please contact Emily Bowden at with any queries.

            Please note, for workshops at the CEO Conference Centre, parking is NOT AVAILABLE on site. Visitor car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road. Click Here for more information.

            • 22 Nov 2024
            • 8:45 AM - 3:30 PM
            • Walkers Arms Hotel, 36 North East Road, Walkerville

            Join the "ECT Exchange: Sharing Insights, Gaining Wisdom" Workshop

            Embark on a journey of collaborative learning and discovery with our "ECT Exchange: Sharing Insights, Gaining Wisdom" workshop, specifically designed for early career teachers (ECTs). This unique event is an opportunity to connect, converse, and grow alongside peers and experienced mentors.

            What to Expect:

            • Rich Sharing Sessions: Dive into interactive discussions where ECTs like yourself can share classroom experiences, challenges, and triumphs. This is a platform for you to voice your journey, learn from the experiences of others, and discover common ground as well as unique perspectives.
            • Valuable Mentor Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom of seasoned mentors who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience. Their insights and tips are invaluable for navigating the early stages of your teaching career.
            • Interactive Learning Environment: Engage in a dynamic setting that encourages open dialogue and mutual learning. Our workshop is designed to foster a supportive community where every voice is heard and valued.
            • Actionable Strategies and Tools: Equip yourself with practical strategies and tools shared by mentors and peers. These resources are aimed at enhancing your classroom management, instructional techniques, and overall teaching effectiveness.
            • Network Building: Create lasting connections with other ECTs and mentors, forming a network that supports your professional growth and development.

            Why You Should Attend:

            This workshop isn't just about learning; it's about growing together in a community. By participating, you'll gain new perspectives, practical advice, and a sense of camaraderie that will enrich your teaching experience.

            Event Details:

            • Date: Friday, 22nd November 2024
            • Venue: Walkers Arms Hotel, 36 North East Road, Walkerville
            • Registration:

            Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of a meaningful exchange of ideas and experiences. Reserve your spot today and take a step towards enriching your career journey with insights and wisdom from your peers and mentors!

            • 25 Nov 2024
            • 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
            • MSTeams
            • 71

            This session for the New teacher induction has a Spirituality focus and will be an opportunity to welcome, provide some essential information and for conversation and questions.

            Date: Monday 25 November 1.30pm - 4.30pm

            Venue: via MSTeams 

            Facilitators:  Alison Gore (Senior Education Adviser - Formation)

             Jacinta Astachnowicz (Catholic Identity and Mission Advisor)

            • 28 Nov 2024
            • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
            • Rooms 7 & 8, CESA Conference Centre, 116 George St, Thebarton

            OSHC Network Meeting

            Thursday 28 November 2024

            Rooms 7 & 8, CESA Conference Centre

            10:00 am - 12:00 noon

            To further support the OSHC Directors and Educators termly Network meeting will be facilitated by Melissa Edmonds, Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) & Preschools Compliance Officer. These network meetings offer the opportunity for OSHC Directors and Educators to meet, engage in professional development, and discuss examples of best practice.

            Facilitator: Melissa Edmonds (Preschool & OSHC Compliance Officer)

            Workshop Enquiries:  

            Registration Enquiries:

            Current membership of the CESA Registration is required to register.  If you are not a member or have changed schools since registering, please join here:  CESA Registration Centre - Home

            Registration is essential for planning purposes. Please register by 12 noon 25 November 2024.

            Car parking is available in the Queen of Angels Church car park – entry via South Road.

            • 09 Dec 2024
            • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
            • CEO Conference Centre, Room 7
            • 25

            The Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum Training


            The Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum training aims to unpack this curriculum document.
            The Keeping Safe Child Protection document specific aim is to help children from pre-school to senior secondary learn to recognise abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse, its wider focus covers rights, responsibilities, relationships and ethical behaviour.

            This is mandatory training for all teachers in Catholic Schools and a certificate will be forwarded to participants following the session.

            *Please bring your laptop to the session.


            Room 7
            CEO Conference Centre
            116 George Street
            THEBARTON SA 5031

            Morning tea and lunch are provided.

            Please note that parking is not available on site. However, refer to this map to park in the Queen of Angels Church car park.

            INTENDED FOR

            All Teachers in Catholic Schools


            Enquiries about this course can be referred to Andrea Richardson at 08 8301 6662 or

            AITSL STANDARDS:

            Standard 2: know the content and how to teach it
            2.1 content and teaching strategies of the teaching area

            Standard 6: engage in professional learning
            6.2 engage in professional learning and improve practice
            6.3 engage with colleagues and improve practice

            Standard 7: engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and community
            7.1 meet professional ethics and responsibilities
            7.2 comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements
            7.4 engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

            Registration: Closes Monday, 2 December 2024 , 4.00pm

            For further information regarding registration:

            Ria Wong

            Catholic Education Office
            Phone:  08 8301 6618


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