SRELA invites you to a day of pondering the big topics-Ecological Conversion, ACARA and RE with Paul Clarke (Co-Director and Founder of POP-UP-FOUNDATION and Professor of Education at St. Mary’s University College, London) and Simon Kelly who has developed further units with an Australian Curriculum and RE focus.
Tuesday, March 11~ 9 - 3.30
VENUE ~ St Aloysius College
McAuley Auditorium
53 Wakefield Street,
Adelaide SA 5000
Tel: 08 8217 3200
Any queries to
Lunch will be provided, please forward any dietary requirements to
Can be used as a System Accredited Module if participation is full day (6.5 hours) AND a 1500 reflection task or evidence of classroom application (Negotiated with Deborah Lubatti) is completed.
AITSL Standards: 3, 4 and 6
For assistance with online enrolment contact James Meston Ph. 8301 6629 or
You are reminded that SRELA Subs cover 2 people from the same school. Also, if you as APRIM/ REC cannot attend, we encourage other staff members be considered to represent your school. Subs are due March 31st.
Please make cheques out to SRELA (SRELA ABN 27 398 998 327). No GST
SRELA is a part of the Catholic GST Groupundefinedon CEO Advice; payment should be coded “acquisition with no GST in the price”.
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016