Registration Centre


  • 17 Jun 2014
  • 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • TBA


Registration is closed


The Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework outlines the components of a successful teacher performance and development system, and the support that needs to be in place for real improvements to occur in schools. It also describes the characteristics of an effective performance and development cycle including essential elements that should be implemented in Australian schools. The Framework was endorsed by all Australian Ministers of Education in August 2012.

This Framework has the potential to affect every teacher and to be a significant influence on supporting all teachers to grow and develop their professional practice, whilst at the same time receiving useful feedback on their performance.

To support schools in engaging with the Framework the CEO has planned a series of four workshops focussing on Classroom Walkthroughs and Lesson Observations.

The following principles will underpin and guide the development and delivery of these workshops:

o     The focus of activity is on the professional growth of all teachers

o     Teachers’ work is complex

o     Catholic schools already work within a culture of continuous improvement

o     Teachers in Catholic schools currently operate with a high degree of effectiveness

o     All processes are developmental and affirming for teachers

o     Processes and procedures must provide for flexibility at the local level and be coherent with each school’s context, vision and approaches.

o     Schools are at different points of implementation

o     Workshop activities will align with the Australian Charter for the Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.


The Classroom Walkthroughs and Lesson Observation Workshops will consist of a series of four integrated half-day sessions. Each workshop will include expert input; examples of performance and development initiatives from SA Catholic schools; collaborative activities for participants; professional readings and conversations; and resources and support materials.

Who Should Attend?  Principals, School Leaders and other staff who have responsibility for the performance and development of others

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