Languages Leading the Change with the Australian Curriculum Languages Teachers F - 12
Last Day to Register: Monday 18 November 2013
This professional learning day provides an opportunity for teachers of languages and key literacy teachers in CESA schools to learn about draft Australian Curriculum - Languages and how to start engaging with it in their teaching contexts. It is expected that Australian Curriculum for Italian and Chinese is approved by the ACARA Board before the end of this year and this day has been planned to address the Australian Curriculum - Languages in general and how to integrate the study of languages with other areas of the schools' curriculum
COURSE INFORMATION: When: Thursday 21 November 2013
Location: Thebarton Community Centre Corner South Road and Ashwin Parade Room 3
AITSL AUSTRALIAN PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS INCLUDE: Standard 2. Know the content and how to teach it Standard 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning Standard 6. Engage in professional learning and improve practice
PROGRAM OUTLINE:1 Day course - 6 hours For more information please click on flyer
TRT: is the responsibility of attending teachers but you can make use of the $3,000 grant all CESA schools received at the end of 2012 for the purpose of Australian Curriculum implementation
Cost: no workshop fee
Catering: morning tea and lunch will be provided
FACILITATOR: Ludgero Rego - Languages Consultant 8301 6839
For Further Information regarding registration:Chris Virgin 6851
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016