Registration Centre

Indigenous Education Focus Teacher Program - Day 4: The Elephant in the Staffroom

  • 01 Nov 2013
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Tauondi College, 1 Lipson Street, Port Adelaide


Registration is closed


The workshop will include the following guest presenters:

ØProfessor Peter Buckskin PSM, FACE  -  Dean: Indigenous Scholarship, Engagement and Research, Uni SA
Professor Buckskin poses the question, ‘Is Australia a comfortably racist nation?’

In my presentation, I will discuss the current Australian education policies, where the main measures of success for Aboriginal Australians is our assimilation into the dominant culture through the mastering of English literacy and Western norms. The understanding of our own history, culture, languages and shared experience since Colonisation has been relegated to the margins.’

ØSimone Ulalka Tur and Faye Blanch  -  Indigenous Academics from Yunggorendi First Nations Centre, Flinders University

  Simone and Faye will facilitate an interactive session  in which we examine racialisation and its impact on Indigenous Australians. We will discuss appropriate terminology, reconciliation pedagogy and  be introduced to Rapping Curriculum.

ØDeon Hastie  -  Artistic Director, Kurruru Youth Performing Arts

  We will adjourn to Kurruru (not far from Tauondi) where Deon will teach us some smooth moves and put us through our paces!


Please contact Christine Sylvester if you have any registration queries:  8301 6682 or

Morning Tea and Lunch will be provided.

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