Registration Centre

Professional Learning Workshop: On Holy Ground - Supporting our Journey of Ecological Conversion

  • 15 Oct 2013
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Sunset Rock, 40 Spencer Street, Stirling SA
  • 12


  • Those on concession, i.e. full time students, or a catechist.
    Gst included in cost.
  • Individual paying invoice, GST in cost.
  • School paying invoice

Registrations due by 8th October, 2013.
Registration is closed

Professional Learning Workshop
On Holy Ground - Supporting our Journey of Ecological Conversion
Tuesday 15th October – 9:00am to 4:00pm

Term 4, Week 1

This day will open up the ASSISI process, framework and resources in the On Holy Ground document as tools to continue to deepen our awareness and understanding of our call to ecological conversion. The workshop will also draw on elements of 'pedagogy of place' as participants explore what it means for them to grow towards wholeness in the ecology of all their relationships in their place, and what that means for their own individual and community actions.

Intended Participants: APRIM/REC/Religious Leaders and Teachers of all years.

AITSL Standards: 6 & 7

Morning tea and lunch are provided on the day, please advise the office of any dietary requirements.

  Cost: $45 if paid by school

$49.50 if paid by individual (GST must be charged)

$25 if concession

Can be used as a System Accredited Module if participation
is full day AND a 1500 reflection task is completed.

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