Registration Centre

Reflection Day for Early Career Teachers: Stop, Breathe, Pray, Discuss, Reflect...

  • 16 Sep 2013
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Sophia, 225 Cross Road, Cumberland Park
  • 15


  • Those on concession, i.e. full time students, or a catechist.
    Gst included in cost.
  • Individual paying invoice, GST in cost.
  • School paying invoice

Registrations due by 9th September, 2013.
Registration is closed

Reflection Day for Early Career Teachers
Stop, Breathe, Pray, Discuss, Reflect...

Monday 16th September – 9:00am to 4:00pm

Term 3, Week 9

"The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed"
A day to rest, contemplate & explore the Mustard Seed Parable in light of your teaching.

A day facilitated by Jacinta Astachnowicz (Staff Spiritual Formation Team) with assistance from the Early Career Teacher Consultants

Some comments from last year's participants:
"it was very relaxing...loved looking after me"

"lovely to stop & reflect, especially with other teachers"

"a great day to stop, breathe and reflect"

"...importance for us praying too - not just the kids"

"my doubts and concerns were similar to those of other new teachers there"

"good to learn new techniques & ways of praying"

Please bring a device to take photos with.

Intended Participants: Early career teachers in their 1st, 2nd or 3rd year of teaching

Morning tea and lunch are provided on the day, please advise the office of any dietary requirements.


Cost: $45 if paid by school

$49.50 if paid by individual (GST must be charged)

$25 if concession

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