Scootle School Managers work to build teacher capacity in using the diverse range of digital resources accessible through Scootle.
Managers invite teachers to register, and can view reports on Scootle usage and ensure that the quality of shared resources have added educational context.
New functionality covered -
- Improve and Improve parent portal
- Scootle Community
Requirements: Attendees must be the Scootle School Manager at their school.
Participants will receive 0.5 TRT - this will be paid on receipt of a Tax invoice from your school.
This Professional Learning session references the following AITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:
Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Standard 6: Engage in professional learning
Duration: 3 hours
Further information: Anne De Nicolo (08) 8301 6876
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