This course comprises six sessions.
Whilst this is a new course to accompany the new Australian Curriculum, much of the content of the course will draw from courses previously provided by the Literacy Team in Functional Grammar.
An outline of the course can be accessed at:Course Outline
Please direct all course enquiries to Tony Hole at or telephone 83016646.
The sessions will be held in Term 3, 2013 as follows:
Thursday, 25 July
9 – 4(morning tea & lunch provided)
Tuesday, 30 July
4 – 6
Tuesday, 6 August
Tuesday, 20 August
Tuesday, 3 September
Tuesday, 17 September
AITSL Standards for Teachers:
This Professional Learning course references the following AITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:
Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it
Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Standard 6: Engage in professional learning
Duration: 20 hours
Venue: Catholic Education Conference Centre 116 George Street, Thebarton
Parking: Is NOT AVAILABLE at the George Street worksite.
Please refer to this map (pdf) and park in:
Registration: Closes Friday, 12 July 2013
For registration enquiries please contact
Elaine Mulhall Catholic Education Office Ph 8301 6694
Morning tea and lunch is provided at full day sessions.
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016