Registration Centre

Australian Curriculum: Primary/Secondary Assessment and Learning Workshop

  • 20 Aug 2012
  • 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Caritas College, Port Augusta


Registration is closed

Primary and Secondary Assessment and Learning Workshop

This workshop is held for primary and secondary educators to:

  • Unpack the Australian Curriculum achievement standards and assessment tools
  • Trial draft Performance Indicators (assessing quality of student work) in English, History, Mathematics and Science
  • Participate in processes for use of these assessment tools in school, sector and national feedback processes. 

Schools are invited to send a group of participants that includes at least one school leader with responsibility for assessment and learning plus a key teacher who is able to support the leader in their work.

MacKillop House
Caritas College
Port Augusta

Morning tea and lunch provided

Registrations close Thursday 16 August 2012

For registration enquiries please contact:

Carolyn Slater
Catholic Education Office
Ph 8301 6645

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