Registration Centre

Engage with Asia Network 2023

  • 04 Aug 2023
  • 24 Nov 2023
  • 2 sessions
  • 04 Aug 2023, 9:00 AM 4:00 PM (ACST)
  • 24 Nov 2023, 9:00 AM 4:00 PM (ACDT)
  • Catholic Education Office, Boardroom. 116 George Street, Thebarton & Online via Microsoft Teams


Registration is closed

Network Description

The Engage with Asia Network responds to the need to increase knowledge and awareness of Asia in our schools. Through inter-school partnerships, students, teachers and schools in general will interact with each other through the creation of curriculum resources. Students from both schools prepare and share these resources online, via contemporary and appropriate platforms that will enhance communication and intercultural understanding between CESA schools and schools in Asia.

Currently, 12 inter-school partnerships have been formed between CESA schools and schools in China, Indonesia or Japan. Partnerships with schools in other countries would be welcome to consider and encouraged to be developed as part of schools’ involvement in this Engage with Asia Network.

In 2023, the Engage with Asia Network will:

  • develop students, teachers and other school leaders’ intercultural understanding capability (ACARA GC),
  • develop familiarity with the Australian Curriculum version 9,
  • support students in developing intercultural and global competency (CESA KC),
  • increase respectful relationships between students/teachers/school leaders in different geographical settings,
  • promote ethical and responsible usage of ICTs (ACARA GC),
  • develop models of effective and sustainable school partnerships with contemporary co-constructed curriculum, student agency to be shared sector wide (CESA CIF),
  • address the Blueprint Paper, in that there is an understanding that all children are capable of successfully learning languages and cultures,
  • address the CESA Strategy by encouraging schools to express their beliefs by adopting an inter-faith approach,
  • address the Living Learning Leading Framework by encouraging the development of thriving global citizens, capable and successful multilingual learners and leaders in intercultural communication for the world God desires and
  • promote the usage of ICTs to facilitate the formation of this Network that includes rural, isolated schools.

Requirements of membership in the Engage with Asia Network 2023:

  • Participating schools will develop an inter-school partnership and a partnership plan based on the curriculum to be taught and agreed by both sites in CESA and in Asia.
  • The partnership plan is developed by teachers in both countries.
  • An appropriate e-platform is agreed on, to facilitate student to student, teacher to teacher, class to class and principal to principal communication.
  • Students will co-construct curriculum (units of work and related materials / resources) in partnership with their partners in Asia.
  • Student agency and student leadership will be central to this work, as they develop materials to be discussed and shared online by students, thus demonstrating their agency and leadership.
  • Students will be involved in deciding on the structure of the online connections and will lead the sessions, with support (1 or 2 per term).

Collaborative interactions to take place in English, Chinese (with pinyin), Japanese or Indonesian, facilitated and supported by both teachers.


    • 2 x face-to-face Network days (4 August and 24 November 2023)
    • 2 x 1-hour online support sessions
      (At a time convenient for each individual teacher)

    Attendance is required at both network days and online sessions, unless there has been prior negotiation.

    Core FOCI and Priorities

    • Languages
    • Cultures
    • Asia
    • Cross Curriculum Priorities

    AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include

    Standard 1: Know your students and how they learn
    Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it

    Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
    Standard 6: Engage in professional learning

    Intended Audience

    Teachers of languages & cultures and generalist classroom teachers involved in the Engage with Asia Network 2023

    Facilitator: Kirsty Castillo - Education Advisor, Languages & Cross Curriculum Priorities

    Enquiries: / T: 8301 6839

    Registration Enquiries:

    Deadline for Registration: COB Tuesday 1 August 2023

    CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop.  If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.

    If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.

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