The World Behind the Text
Teachers familiar with the Crossways Curriculum will know that the recommended approach for interpreting scriptural texts is the 3 Worlds Strategy. The worlds ‘of the text’ and ‘in front of the text’ usually present no problems, but the world ‘behind the text’ can be more challenging. Importantly it is this ‘world’ that can help us to appreciate the full meaning and significance of the text, sometimes in ways that surprise or shock the 21st century reader. This workshop will explore some of the historical, cultural and religious factors that pertain to a range of Scriptural texts and will enable us to appreciate them through the lens of Jesus’ original audience and the gospel writers’ communities.
Facilitator: Kate Ordon
Date: Friday 31 March
Time: 9am - 4pm
Venue: CEO Conference Centre, George St, Thebarton
Intended for: APRIM/REC/Religious Leaders; All year level teachers
System Accredited Module: Yes
Light refreshments for morning tea will be provided. We ask that you please bring your own lunch for the day or if you wish to buy your lunch there are places close by.
If you have any registration queries please contact Angela Brown or via 8301 6629.
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016