This online session with Roslyn Neilson - creator of the FELA assessment will support Reception educators to analyse the results of the FELA assessment and respond to the results.
This professional learning will address the learning needs of students with above-average performance - surpassing grade expectations and progressing beyond the Advanced Probe; students meeting year-level expectations on the subtests as well as students not meeting year-level expectations.
AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include
Standard 1: Know students and how they learn
Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it
Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Standard 6: Engage in professional learning
Intended Audience: Reception Teachers, Literacy Coaches, Leaders of Learning
Facilitators: Roslyn Neilson, Tracey Grice and Courtney Starr
Registration Enquiries:
Deadline for Registration: COB Monday 13 march 2023
CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop. If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.
If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.