Professional Learning Workshop
Illuminated Manuscripts - Awakening Wonder
with Annette Jarrett
Friday 9 November
8:45am (for 9:00am start) to 4:00pm
Term 4, Week 5
Enrichment experiences for Key Ideas 3 Scripture and Key Idea 4, The Church Story.
This workshop is a meditative day with medieval art and music. This day offers a variety of experiences including time to gaze and wonder at the beauty of medieval texts. Time also to discuss the cultural and historical contexts that gave birth to texts such as the book of Kells, the book of Hours and the Lindisfame Gospels.
There will be an option to create your own illuminated manuscript, so you might like to bring in your favourite text.
Learning activities include:Shared experiences of illuminations, Beauty and Faith Powerpoints and input on historical backgrounds of illuminated Manuscripts and Texts. Time to gaze at and wonder at illuminations Participation in manuscript production Ideas for the classroom
Cost: $45 if paid by school
$49.50 if paid by individual (GST must be charged)
$25 if concession
Can be used as a System Accredited Module if participation is full day AND a 1500 assessment task is completed.
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016