Professional Learning Workshop
Prayer Reflection Day: Discovering God Through Creation
with Val De Brenni
Friday 5 October
8:45am (for 9:00am start) to 4:00pm
School Holidays
This prayer and reflection day is a time of stillness when we notice traces of God in the world around us, including creation.
The day includes: guided meditation, silent walk, Lectio Divina with creation, Lectio Divina with Scripture, journaling, digital photography and praying with art - Vincent Van Gough
Participants are asked to wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a pillow and an A4 exercise book, or similar, for journaling.
Morning tea and lunch are provided on the day, please advise of any dietary requirments.
Cost: $45 if paid by school
$49.50 if paid by individual (GST must be charged)
$25 if concession
Can be used as a System Accredited Module if participation is full day AND a 1500 assessment task is completed.
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016