Workshop Description
Professional learning sessions will build upon the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check collection, with educators and leaders invited to engage with Mr Wiley Blevins, Early Reading Specialist and author of A Fresh Look at Phonics: 7 Common Causes of Failure and 7 Common Causes for Success. Participants are encouraged to access all sessions whether synchronously or asynchronously, with all sessions being recorded. Professional learning sessions include:
7 September 2022
Phonics Screening Check: Analysing the PSC – What Does it Mean?
13 September 2022
Phonics Screening Check: Differentiation
27 September 2022
Phonics Screening Check: Texts/Scope and Sequence
Participants may attend any or all of the sessions. Please click on the above links to register for each session separately.
Core FOCI and Priorities
- Early Years Literacy
- Early Reading Instruction
- Phonics
- Differentiation
AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers Include
Standard 1: Know students and how they learn
Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it
Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
Audience: School Leaders, Leaders of Learning, Literacy Coordinators, Year 1 and Interested Early Years Teachers
Facilitators: Wiley Blevins, Early Reading Specialist and CESA Education Advisors & System Literacy Coaches
Workshop Enquiries: / T: 8301 6832 (Education Advisor, Early Years) OR / T: 8301 6807 (System Coach, Literacy)
Registration Enquiries:
Deadline for Registration: Friday 9 September 2022
CESA Registration Centre Membership is required, to register for this workshop. If you have changed schools since your last event registration, please update your membership details.
If you are not a member, please CLICK HERE to sign up for membership.