Registration Centre

Professional Learning Workshop: How am I using Scripture in my RE Class?

  • 16 May 2012
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Catholic Education Office, 116 George Street, Thebarton
  • 9


  • Those on concession, i.e. full time students, or a catechist.
    Gst included in cost.
  • Individual paying invoice, GST in cost.
  • School paying invoice

Registrations due by 11th May, 2012.

Professional Learning Workshop
How am I using Scripture in my RE Class?


Wenesday 16 May – 8:45am to 4:00pm

Sometimes in the complexities of designing a unit of work in RE, we focus on the values and outcomes from Crossways and overlook incorporating Scripture as part of the rich tradition that underpins those outcomes.

This day aims to explore ways of incorporating our rich Scripture Tradition in all of our RE units of work.

  Cost: $45 if paid by school

$49.50 if paid by individual (GST must be charged)

$25 if concession

Can be used as a System Accredited Module if participation
is full day AND a 1500 reflection task is completed.

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