Registration Centre

Prayer Reflection Day: The Cup of My Life

  • 01 May 2012
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Sophia, 225 Cross Road, Cumberland Park
  • 24


  • Those on concession, i.e. full time students, or a catechist.
    Gst included in cost.
  • Individual paying invoice, GST in cost.
  • School paying invoice

Registrations due by 24th April, 2012.

CANCELLED: Professional Learning Workshop
Prayer Reflection Day:
The Cup of My Life

Please note this course has been cancelled due to lack of enrolments


Tuesday 1 May – 8:30am for 9:00am start (to 4:00pm)

This retreat day uses a cup as a symbol of life as it offers the
opportunity for participants to reflect on significant moments in life. Participants will be invited to ponder on where they meet God in the ordinary, every-day of life.

This day of prayer and reflection includes:
Guided meditation, Silent walk, Doodling meditation, Prayer flags, Mandala meditation and Journaling with word and image

Please wear loose comfy clothing, bring a pillow and a notebook for journaling and a mug or cup that you use often.

Venue: Sophia, 225 Cross Road Cumberland Park
(next to Cabra)


  Cost: $45 if paid by school

$49.50 if paid by individual (GST must be charged)

$25 if concession

Can be used as a System Accredited Module if participation
is full day AND a 1500 reflection task is completed.



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