A residential program for school leadership teams to develop strategy to lead Staff Spiritual and Religious Formation
Venue: McCracken Country Club, Victor Harbor
This aims to develop capabilities in strategizing, leading and understanding principles of staff formation, followed by a 12 month accompaniment relationship with an advisor to support implementation, assist in master planning and provide professional mentoring. This will support leaders in excelling in the Leadership Standard of Leading Catholic Identity and provide strategies for clearly articulating a vision and mission for the school that embodies its Catholic Identity and promoting, maintaining and enhancing processes for dialogue, prayer and spiritual and religious formation.
This enables leaders to effectively plan to meet the Formation Goal of the Catholic Identity and Mission Pillar that students, staff and leaders are formed so they can participate with faith, hope and love in the mission of God in their context. This is designed to meet the needs of leaders in being able to strategise, plan, implement and review Staff Spiritual and Religious Formation. Providing effective, localised and engaging formation opportunities in schools is central to developing authentic ways of enhancing Catholic Identity that is intentional and meaningful.
This program supports the CESA Corporate Plan that schools to be engaged in strengthening their Catholic Identity and the faith formation of their leaders and staff. I would encourage schools who have not previously attended, those who have changes in their leadership teams and those schools who are revisiting their strategic plans to consider participating. It is strongly encouraged that as many members of a leadership team, including the Principal, attends to maximise shared learning and decision making. It is an intention that the experience is educational, formational and purposeful - that leaders will return to their schools with goals, strategies and actions named. A consultant from the Staff Spiritual and Religious Formation Team is provided for ongoing engagement and support.
We are asking that each school makes a $250 contribution per participant, towards the total cost of $520 per participant. We anticipate this experience will contribute 20 hours towards the Teachers Registration Board’s requirement of professional learning for registration, for those needing to demonstrate this. If you would like any further information please don’t hesitate to call me on 8301 6674 or email at
For registration and general information refer to: Christina Lagozzino or phone 8301 6629.
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016