Scaling Moderation Workshops
The three Scaling Moderation Workshops provide quality assurance for those teachers scaling students for data collection. These workshops are a requirement for any schools submitting data for EAL funding. Teachers attending must be trained in scaling.
At least one workshhop must be attended by teachers involved in the scaling process.
Teachers are required to bring written work samples from their students.
Presenter: EAL Consultants
Venue:CESA Conference Centre 116 George Street, Thebarton
Dates/Times:Monday 28 May2012 9.00am - 4.00pm Rooms 7 & 8 Tuesday 29 May 2012 9.00am - 4.00pm Rooms 7 & 8 Wednesday 30 May 2012 9.00am - 4.00pm Room 6
Parking is not available on site. Please refer to the attached link. Catholic Education Conference Centre
Catering: Morning tea and lunch will be provided.
Cost: no workshop fee
For Further Information regarding registration:Chris Virgin 6851
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016