Registration Centre

Day of Stillness with Fr Tom Gleeson

  • 12 Nov 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • The Seacliff Hotel - 221 The Esplanade, Seacliff
  • 5


Registration is closed

A day of stillness and silence to connect with your faith and nurture your spirituality.

'The world is charged with the grandeur of God.' (Gerald Manley Hopkins)

The Day of Stillness will invite participants into an experience of deep listening and connection with the natural environment, of recognising the divine giftedness that is a source of healing, energy and union with the loving creator.  

This opportunity is open, in the first instance, to those who have not attended before.  

Facilitators:  Fr Tom Gleeson & Jacinta Astachnowicz

Intended for:  APRIM/REC/Religious Leaders; Early Years, Primary, Middle and Secondary teachers

System Accredited Module:  Yes - please contact Jacinta Astachnowicz for details 

CESA Living Learning Leading Framework - Key Capability:
Spiritually aware and inspired by faith
Self-aware, collaborative and socially adept
Moral, compassionate, ecologically aware
Knowledgeable, inquisitive and innovative

AITSL Australian Professional Standards:  

1.4 - Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

2.4 - Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote

reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians

6.2 - Engage in professional learning and improve practice

6.3 - Engage with colleagues and improve practice

7.1 - Meet professional ethics and responsibilities 


Cancellation policy applies 48 hours notice must be given or applicant will be charged the workshop fee.  If withdrawing after this time due to illness or extenuating circumstances, the cost for catering will be invoiced.

If you have any registration queries please contact Angela Brown at or phone 8301 6629.     

Please BYO lunch and morning tea.  Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be provided.

Considering the current COVID-19 pandemic we ask you to please comply with the following additional arrival induction requirements.

In attending our site, and signing in, you warrant that:

1. You are currently well and not suffering from any flu like or cold symptoms (coughing, runny nose, sneezing, high temperature, sore throat etc).

2. You have not entered the State of South Australia from interstate or overseas without strictly adhering to any relevant quarantine or self-isolation requirements.

3. You have not knowingly been in close contact with a known COVID-19 case in the past 14 days.

Please note, hand sanitiser will be available at various places in this location. Thank you sincerely for assisting us to support the health and safety of all.

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