Registration Centre

CESA Religious Leaders Day 2021

  • 13 Sep 2021
  • 8:45 AM - 1:00 PM
  • MS Teams


Registration is closed

CESA Religious Leaders Day 

Monday 13 September 2021


8:45am to 1:00pm

CESA Religious Leaders Day is the key CESA occasion for all APRIMs, other designated religious leaders and aspiring religious leaders from around the state.    

As always, our Religious Leaders Day is an excellent opportunity to develop our religious leadership exercised in in each school and shared across the system.

Due to current COVID climate the 2021 CESA Religious Day is in two parts:

Part A will be run on the original date set, Monday 13 September 8.45am - 1.00pm via MS Teams. 

This half day will include:

  • Assessment in RE (part 1): from Achievement Standards to Performance Standards and moderation (to be continued on 25 October) 
 *APRIMs are encouraged to consult their principal about inviting the school’s         Leader of Learning and/or a key RE teacher to register and attend this                     session (9am – 10.30am).
  • New APRIM Appraisal Guidelines (including Band C Allowance protocol)
    – initial consultation with draft document.
  • Strategic Planning for Catholic Identity
    – with the Living Learning Leading Standard, Evidence Guide, stories and tools

*APRIMs are encouraged to consult their principal about inviting other                     people involved with strategic planning with Catholic identity to this session         12noon – 12.45pm).

  • Opportunities for small group discussions and questions.

If you have already registered for the 13 September CESA Religious Leaders day, you do NOT need to register again. You will be sent the MS Teams link to join the half day meeting online. 

Part B will be run on Monday 25 October 1.30 - 4.30pm (save the date)

This half day will include:

  • Theological Engagement: The mystery of God in our lives and our experience of limit/suffering (and implications for RE) with Fr James McEvoy (ACU Adelaide)
  • Assessment in RE (part 2): a closer look at  Performance Standards prototypes and moderation.

We are planning to run this afternoon session as a face to face gathering in smaller regional groups in a school with centralised online presentations.
More information and registration details will be sent to you later in Term 3.

The Religious Education and Faith Formation Team looks forward to seeing you on the screen in September.

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Or call in (audio only)

+61 2 9053 4985,,485704125#   Australia, Sydney

Phone Conference ID: 485 704 125#

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If you have any queries please contact Christina Lagozzino, phone 8301 6659 or


The CEO is funding this day for APRIMs, RECs and other religious leaders

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