Registration Centre

Responding to Abuse & Neglect - Education & Care Foundation (7 Hour) Training

  • 20 May 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (ACST)
  • CEO Conference Centre Room 7
  • 4


  • Catholic groups - Invoice will be issued to the school/organisation after the event has been held
  • Not associated with Catholic school or Catholic organisation - Payment must be made prior to the event

Responding to Abuse and Neglect - Education and Care Foundation (7 Hour) Training

This full-day Foundation training aims to provide information to enable school personnel to:

  • recognise suspected child abuse
  • know how and when to notify child abuse
  • to be aware of legal responsibilities regarding notification of suspected child abuse

Catholic Education Office Conference Centre
116 George Street, Thebarton


9.00am (sharp) - 4.00pm

Please note: Participants are required to arrive to the session on time. Latecomers will not be accepted due to the training involving mandatory 7 hour content.


Please ensure 'Name' details are correct, as these details will be printed on the certificate. Please also ensure 'School' and/or 'Address' details are written correctly, as these details will be used to distribute the certificates.

We require authorisation from your Principal/Team Leader to accept responsibility for the payment for attendance. Please ensure your Principal/Team Leader has approved your attendance and for the school to be invoiced prior to registering for this training.

Cost (including booklet):

Catholic schools/Catholic organisations     $95.00

GST does not apply to applicants in the Catholic Religious Grouping where the Catholic group pays for the participant to attend. If the Catholic school/organisation pays for the applicant to attend the course is GST free. Catholic Schools / Catholic Organisations will be invoiced once the training has completed.

Individuals     $113.64 + GST = $125.00

Individuals are those attendees not associated with Catholic schools or organisations. Individuals will be sent an invoice via email from the CEO finance team.

  • To maintain these costs, a minimum of 15 and maximum 20 attendees would be required. The session will be cancelled if these numbers are not achieved.
  • Closing date for registration is no later than 7 business days prior to the date of the course.

Cancellation Policy:

48 hours notice must be given or applicant will be charged.

For Registration Centre assistance, please contact:

Toe Adams   8301 6184 or

Peter Hales  8301 6121

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