Professional Learning Communities at Work with Gavin Grift
Professional Learning Communities at Work provides practical knowledge based on the big ideas that drive a PLC. Participants will increase their capabilities to lead and work in collaborative teams to achieve outstanding results for the students they serve.
Learning from this day will equip participants with added ideas and strategies to support and drive our system priorities to embed the Living Learning Leading Framework and Standard across all schools, and our ongoing endeavours to ensure we have excellent schools that support thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires. Professional Learning Communities at Work embraces this cultural transformation.
This workshop day (or the 2019 PLC at work day) is a prerequisite for attendance at the Term 4 Deputy/APRIM/POR 3 & 4 Day on 28 October (or at least one member of the Leadership Team has done so as a minimum).
Gavin resides in Melbourne and so may be unable to attend, pending COVID restrictions. Should this be the case, this day will be deferred to 2021.
Cost: $100 (an invoice will be forwarded to participants by the CEO around the time of the event)
For further information contact:Juanita Lieschke, Administrator, Leadership Phone: 08 8301 6885
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016