Go and welcome: in this way the heart of the mother Church and all of her children is able to beat. (Pope Francis, 2015)
Hospitality is at the heart of the Christian tradition, Catholic Social Teachings and our Catholic Identity. Love is the hallmark of Christian hospitality. We are called to serve the other with loving hospitality.
Last year we began a long-distance relationship with Jane Angha, the founder of Ministry Blueprints in America. Ministry Blueprints works with dioceses, parishes, and school communities to create a culture of contagious, practical hospitality. Last year Jane worked with us on the concept that hospitality matters. It is not the work of a committee or single person, but a learned charism meant for everyone in the faith community. It is something practiced and lived by all, for the sake of sharing joy, building community, and growing faith.
Jane is coming to Australia to work with us in person to continue and build on last year’s journey. With Jane’s expertise and resources, we will engage with the document ‘Being Church Together’ and journey together to learn new and practical ways of hospitality.
Schools / APRIMs are invited to bring along / invite their Parish Associates to the day to strengthen parish school relations through authentic conversation and joint planning?
`The Catholic school community experience for children, young people and their families is a real and valuable experience of Church. Catholic schools are a gift to the fundamental mission of the Church: with the periphery near and in the midst of the parish, the challenge is to open the Church door, step out, to be with and to welcome. `Being Church Together’
Ministry Blueprints believes that generosity is how to attract and open hearts to hear the invitation and know Jesus. In everything that we do, we aim to make it beautiful, joyful, positive, effective, and long-lasting. `Ministry Blueprints’
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. (1 Cor 12:12)
Please note this is a System Accredited Module (SAM).
If you have any registration queries please contact Christina Lagozzino at christina.lagozzino@cesa.catholic.edu.au or phone 8301 6659.
If there are any issues or queries regarding the PRIMA Day, please contact Lillian Van Brussel at lillianvb@antonio.catholic.edu.au or Bronwyn Ridley at bridley@stmonicas.catholic.edu.au.