If you need to know more about the CESA Crossways RE curriculum then this workshop is for you!
This workshop is designed for teachers new to teaching RE in 2020 or 2019, particularly those who either:
The workshop goes beyond the mandated CESA Teacher Induction Module to explore the privilege of teaching Religious Education in a Catholic school, and will highlight your responsibilities, resources and practical considerations. We will look at the development of particular skills and dispositions in RE and how 'Enduring Understandings' are acquired alongside capabilities in questioning, interpreting, making meaning and dialoguing in Religious Education.
This module will focus on:
Facilitators: Marcia Burgess and Christina Jonas
Intended for: Early Years, Primary, Middle School and Secondary Teachers
System Accredited Module: Yes
CESA Living Learning Leading Framework - Key Capability:Spiritually aware and inspired by faith Self-aware, collaborative and socially adept Moral, compassionate, ecologically aware Knowledgable, inquisitive and innovative Intercultural and globally minded
AITSL Australian Professional Standards:
1.2 - Understand how students learn
1.3 - Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds
2.1 - Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
2.3 - Curriculum, assessment and reporting
3.2 - Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
3.3 - Use teaching strategies
3.4 - Select and use resources
4.1 - Support student participation
5.1 - Assess student learning
6.2 - Engage in professional learning and improve practice
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016