"Now that I'm teaching RE": an introductory workshop for teachers new to teaching Religious Education
Mode: Online workshop available from Term 3. The Face-face version of this that was scheduled for 5 June is cancelled.
Details and registrations for these will be forwarded shortly with a dedicated email sent to APRIMs/RECs to pass on to all staff.
If you need to know more about the CESA Crossways RE curriculum then this workshop is for you!
This workshop is designed for teachers new to teaching RE in 2020 or 2019, particularly those who either:
- didn't undertake the full UniSA Catholic Studies Strand in their B.Ed
- or those without completed Graduate Certificate in Catholic Education.
The workshop goes beyond the mandated CESA Teacher Induction Module to explore the privilege of teaching Religious Education in a Catholic school, and will highlight your responsibilities, resources and practical considerations. We will look at the development of particular skills and dispositions in RE and how 'Enduring Understandings' are acquired alongside capabilities in questioning, interpreting, making meaning and dialoguing in Religious Education.
This day will focus on:
- the purpose of the learning area of Religious Education
- the structure and features of CESA's redesigned Crossways RE curriculum
- contemporary pedagogies for RE
- learning design principles for RE
- the educational philosophy and theology which has shaped the redesign of Crossways
- and also concept-based teaching, the features of high-quality teaching and learning in RE and how Visible Thinking strategies and routines can be applied to the RE classroom.
Facilitators: Marcia Burgess and Christina Jonas