This workshop has been cancelled due to COVID-19 social distancing requirements.
These alternative Professional Learning Workshops (PLWs) will be available in Terms 2 and 3:
How does a senior secondary teacher design and deliver high quality, engaging Religious Education programs that facilitate student achievement in SACE and foster lifelong learning in the religious domain? In this hands-on workshop, educators will (re)familiarise themselves with two common SACE pathways: Religion Studies and Integrated Learning, and explore opportunities for facilitating the development of rich knowledge, skills and dispositions through the incorporation of Crossways' Wisdom Strand.
Participants are asked to bring a printout of a current LAP and associated task sheets as a starting point for this process.
Facilitators: Julie Trinidad and Pru Raymond
Intended for: APRIMs/RECs/Religious Leaders; Secondary Teachers
System Accredited Module: Yes
CESA Living Learning Leading Framework - Key Capability:Spiritually aware and inspired by faith Moral, compassionate, ecologically aware
AITSL Australian Professional Standards:
2.1 - Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
2.3 - Curriculum, assessment and reporting
3.2 - Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
3.3 - Use teaching strategies
3.4 - Select and use resources
3.6 - Evaluate and improve teaching programs
6.2 - Engage in professional learning and improve practice
7.4 - Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities
Cancellation policy applies: 48 hours notice must be given or applicant will be charged the workshop fee. If withdrawing after this time due to illness or extenuating circumstances, the cost for catering will be invoiced.
Parking: is available in the Queen of Angels Church carpark for visitors to the George Street or Kintore Street Conference Centres or meeting rooms. Please access the carpark from South Road. A map can be found at Catholic Education Conference Centre
If you have any registration queries please contact Elaine Mulhall at or phone 8301 6629.
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016