Registration Centre

Tales of Spirit and Adventure

  • 08 Jul 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • CEO Conference Centre, 116 George Street, Thebarton - Room 7 & 8
  • 0


Registration is closed

This workshop will examine some of the great adventure stories of the Old and New Testaments focussing on the deep faith and inspirational actions of the main protagonists. The stories of characters such as Abraham, Jonah, Daniel and Paul, as well as some wonderful biblical women will be unpacked and linked to the Strands in the redesigned Crossways Curriculum. The workshop will also focus on a range of strategies to make the stories relevant and meaningful for our students today.      

Facilitator:  Kate Ordon

Intended for:  APRIM/REC/Religious Leaders; teachers of Year 3 upwards

System Accredited Module:  Yes

CESA Living Learning Leading Framework - Key Capability: 
Spiritually aware and inspired by faith
Moral, compassionate, ecologically aware
Knowledgable, inquisitive and innovative 

AITSL Australian Professional Standards:  

1 - Know students and how they learn

2 - Know the content and how to teach it

6 - Engage in professional learning

7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/caregivers and the community


Please note: Due to COVID19 restrictions, catering will not longer be supplied aside from coffee and tea facilities. We ask that you please bring your own food for the day. 

Parking: is available in the Queen of Angels Church carpark for visitors to the George Street or Kintore Street Conference Centres or meeting rooms. Please access the carpark from South Road. A map can be found at Catholic Education Conference Centre

If you have any registration queries please contact Christina Lagozzino at or phone 8301 6659.     


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