Registration Centre

CANCELLED: Crossways in a Contemporary Classroom

  • 28 May 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Catholic Education Conference Centre, 116 George Street, Thebarton (Room 6)
  • 21


  • Full Time university student/volunteer/Parish worker/Chaplain/Youth Minister.
    A separate invoice will be generated by the CEO Finance team.
  • A separate invoice will be generated by the CEO Finance Team
  • A separate invoice will be generated by the CEO Finance team

This workshop has been cancelled due to COVID-19 social distancing requirements.

These alternative Professional Learning Workshops (PLWs) will be available in Terms 2 and 3: 

  • New ways with Crossways – an introduction to the redesigned RE curriculum (with primary and secondary module options) | Mode: flexible online module available in Term 3
  • An introduction to the Made In The Image of God (MITIOG) program | Mode: 1 day online engagement
  • "Now that I'm teaching RE": an introductory workshop for teachers new to teaching Religious Education | Mode: Online workshop available in Term 3

For further information please contact Marcia Burgess via 

This day will focus on the contemporary pedagogies, learning design principles and the theology which has shaped the redesign of Crossways.   We will explore the features of high-quality teaching and learning in Religious Education and discover how Visible Thinking strategies can encourage students to deepen their understandings in RE. 

The structure, features, terminology and purpose of the redesigned Crossways curriculum will be unpacked when we engage with new RE curriculum materials and we will look at how 'Enduring Understandings' can add depth to students' skills in questioning, interpreting, making meaning and dialogue in Religious Education.

Facilitator:  Marcia Burgess

Intended for:  APRIMs/RECs/Religious Leaders; Early Years and Primary Teachers

System Accredited Module:  Yes - please contact Marcia Burgess for details (

CESA Living Learning Leading Framework - Key Capability:
Spiritually aware and inspired by faith
Moral, compassionate, ecologically aware
Knowledgable, inquisitive and innovative
Intercultural and globally minded

AITSL Australian Professional Standards:  

1.2 - Understand how students learn

1.3 - Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds

2.1 - Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area

2.2 - Content selection and organisation

3.3 - Use teaching strategies

3.4 - Select and use resources

4.1 - Support student participation

Cancellation policy applies 48 hours notice must be given or applicant will be charged the workshop fee.  If withdrawing after this time due to illness or extenuating circumstances, the cost for catering will be invoiced.

Parking: is available in the Queen of Angels Church carpark for visitors to the George Street or Kintore Street Conference Centres or meeting rooms. Please access the carpark from South Road. A map can be found at Catholic Education Conference Centre

If you have any registration queries please contact Elaine Mulhall at or phone 8301 6629.     


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