Registration Centre

Crossways Networked Implementation Program Phase 1 | Eastern Region, Hills/Murray + South East Clusters (Network G)

  • 07 May 2020
  • 8:45 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Glenelg Golf Club, James Melrose Rd, Novar Gardens SA 5040


Crossways Networked Implementation Program Phase 1 Day,  

Eastern Region, Hills/Murray + South East Clusters (Network G)

Networked Implementation Program for the Re-design of the Religious Education curriculum - Crossways. This program will enable school leaders and teachers to deepen their understanding of the new Crossways curriculum and its potential to enhance the Catholic identity of school communities and transform the lives of students through high quality teaching and learning.

The aim of the Networked Implementation Program is to build the capacity of school leaders and key staff to support and lead the effective implementation of the new Crossways curriculum in their school communities.

The Implementation program has been scoped across 2020 with network groupings based on the CESA school clusters.

The 2020 Crossways Implementation Program schedule can be found at this Docushare link

Please note this day is for school leadership and key teachers of Religious Education who work in schools in the Eastern Region, Hills/Murray + South East Clusters

Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Tea and coffee available from 8.30am

Facilitators:  Religious Education Team

Intended for:  Principals, APRIMs/RECs and key teachers of Religious Education in the  Eastern Region, Hills/Murray + South East Clusters.

System Accredited Module:  Yes

CESA Living Learning Leading Framework - Key Capability: 
Spiritually aware and inspired by faith
Knowledgeable, inquisitive and innovative

Moral, Compassionate and Ecologically aware

AITSL Australian Professional Standards:  
2 - Know the content and how to teach it
3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
6 - Engage in professional learning
7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/caregivers and the community

If you have any registration queries please contact Christina Lagozzino at or phone 8301 6659. 

If there are any issues or queries regarding Crossways Implementation, please contact RE consultant Marcia Burgess on 8301 6822.






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