A Theology of Hospitality Monday, 26 August 2019
A morning with Michael Trainor“Encountering God: We encounter God in others. The key virtue to enable this encounter is hospitality. These sessions will explore the theological underpinnings of hospitality, reflect on key biblical texts and insights offered by Pope Francis. We shall also explore the importance of meals as expressions of hospitality, especially as we look at meal stories in the Bible and the ministry of Jesus.”
An afternoon with Ministry BlueprintsMinistry Blueprints work with dioceses, parishes, and school communities to create a culture of contagious, practical hospitality. They believe that hospitality matters. It is not the work of a committee or single person, but a learned charism meant for everyone in the faith community. It is something practiced and lived by all, for the sake of sharing joy, building community, and growing faith. Hospitality is also lavish, abundant, and beautiful! Ministry Blueprints believes that generosity is how to attract and open hearts to hear the invitation and know Jesus.
If you have any queries please contact Elaine Mulhall on 8301 6629 or elaine.mulhall@cesa.catholic.edu.au
This will have SAM status toward the CPF Allowance Level 3 with further engagement with the content - details will be available on the day.
AITSL Standards:
6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice 6.4 Apply professional learning and improve student learning 7.4 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities
PRIMA and the CEO are funding this day for APRIMs, RECs and other religious leaders
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016