Registration Centre

Nurturing Wellbeing in Thriving School Communities

  • 12 Sep 2019
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (ACST)
  • The Sanctuary Conference Centre at the Adelaide Zoo, Plane Tree Drive, Adelaide
  • 1


Nurturing Wellbeing in Thriving School Communities



School Leaders, Counsellors, Wellbeing Co-ordinators and Staff are invited to a CESA Wellbeing Event on Thursday 12 September. The event will be held in the Sanctuary Conference Centre at the Adelaide ZOO from 9.00am - 3.00pm.

The Nurturing Wellbeing Day workshops include:

  • The CESA Launch of the Be You Initiative (formerly Kids Matter and Mind Matters).

Staff from Be You will facilitate workshops from the Be You Domains of staff wellbeing, the Respond and Recover - critical incident management processes and implementing Be You in schools.

Prior to this event it is recommended that schools are a registered school with Be You to enable access to the resources on the day.

Participants are also encouraged to bring a device to the workshops to access the resources and learning modules.

  • Exploring data from the Wellbeing and Engagement Survey and schools' responses to working with their data
  • Exploring the National Student Wellbeing Framework and the resources on the Wellbeing Hub
  • Staff Wellbeing walking meditation
  • After lunch participants will be able to informally meet and talk with staff from service agencies who work with families and young people to find out about services, referral processes and costs

Registration closed: Monday, 2 September 2019 at 9.00am

Workshop Inquiry

Please contact Mary Carmody on 8301 6643 or

Registration Inquiry

Please contact Ria Wong on

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