Continuity & Transition Project 2019 - Day #2
Thriving People - Capable Learners
Register for Day 2 by Wednesday 22 May 2019
Cost - $25.00 (includes morning tea and lunch)
Starting school is a major event in the life of children and their families. How children continue to flourish as they experience the multiple challenges and opportunities brought about by the transition to school, will be strongly influenced by the context and practices of the school community.
This is the second of our project days where we explore the challenges and opportunities for children’s learning, growth and development in the processes of starting school. At this workshop Dr Cathie Harrison, who is a significant researcher in this area, will also join us. Our agenda includes:
Reflecting on our progress to date using:
Transforming our pedagogy:
Please keep a copy of your registration confirmation for your professional portfolio.
For further information contact Barbara Murray:
Phone: 8301 6101Email:
The Continuity & Transition Project supports Reception teachers and early childhood educators, primary teachers, principals and Catholic Education consultants to:
AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers include: 3.2, 3.6, 3.7, 4.1, 4.4, 6.3 and 7.4.
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016