Registration Centre

Teaching in the Middle Years One Day Workshop

  • 16 May 2019
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Catholic Education Office - Thebarton
  • 9


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Teaching in the Middle Years One Day Workshop

Last day to register: Wednesday 08 May 2019

Workshop Information:

This one day workshop invites you to learn more about young adolescents and principles of pedagogy that encourage students in the Middle Years of schooling to thrive and flourish.

This workshop will be facilitated by Professor Donna Pendergast (Dean and Head of the School of Education at Griffith University in Queensland) with findings drawn from research and experience in Transitioning Year 7 students to the secondary context in Queensland.

The following themes will be explored

  • What is unique about the Middle Years of schooling?
  • Who is the adolescent learner and what are their physical, cognitive, social and emotional needs?
  • What are the principles and practices of quality teaching in the Middle Years?
  • Opportunities to review and reflect on current practices and provisions  

Date: Thursday 16th May, 2019

Venue: Catholic Education Conference Centre, Thebarton - Room 8

Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm

Morning tea & lunch will be provided. 


It will be helpful to have read the following chapters of Teaching Middle Years: Rethinking curriculum, pedagogy and assessment (3rd edn), eds. D. Pendergast, K. Main and N. Bahr:

  • 1 - Middle years education
  • 2 - The adolescent learner
  • 4 - Quality teaching and learning
  • 6 - Transition

Please email if you require a copy.

CoreCore FOCI and Priorities

CESA Middle Years Learning Initiative

CESA Living Learning Leading Framework

AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers include

Standard 2:  Know the content and how to teach it (2.6)

Standard 3:  Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning (3.4)

Intended Audience: Middle Years educators and leaders of learning, including year level coordinators, curriculum coordinators, pastoral care leaders and teachers of young adolescents.

Total Hours: 6 Hours

System Accredited Module: No

Facilitator: Professor Donna Pendergast (Dean and Head of the School of Education at Griffith University in Queensland).

Workshop Enquiries: / T: 8301 6617 / T: 8301 6107

Registration Enquiries: or T: 8301 6851
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