Registration Centre

Wellbeing and Engagement Collection

  • 15 Feb 2019
  • 9:00 AM (ACDT)
  • 28 Feb 2019
  • 5:00 PM (ACDT)
  • Catholic Education South Australia


Wellbeing and Engagement Collection


The Department for Education in recent years has made available to CESA Schools the Wellbeing and Engagement collection (WEC), now suitable for students in Years 4 to 12. The online survey covers how young people think and feel about their lives both inside and outside of school. Information about the survey is available from the Department website.

The school level data provides a snapshot of students' positive wellbeing and their engagement with learning. This information can assist schools in formulating their continuous improvement strategies and creating environments that help young people flourish in their community.


The 2019 survey will be available in weeks 8 to 10 of Term 1 (18 March – 5 April).

Students will be provided with a secure link to the online survey which may take 1 or 2 lessons.

Schools can choose which year levels or groups of students they wish to complete the survey, based on local priorities and contextual factors.


Interested school Principals should use the registration form to provide details of the school, including year levels participating and contact details for the Wellbeing & Engagement Collection coordinator. 

Non-ceSIS schools will need to provide student data by 18 June, using the template on DocuShare.
Student data from ceSIS schools will be extracted centrally, based on year levels indicated in the registration form.


25 February 2019


Ray Moritz on  8301 6136

Mary Carmody on 8301 6643




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