This workshop is for all schools who are taking part in the ECSI project in 2019.
This workshop will prepare you to read and interpret your data when it is returned to you. It will also specifically assist you to share the data with your staff. Again, we would recommend that the Principal and other members of the school leadership team who are driving this project attend this full day workshop.
Facilitator: Christina Jonas
Intended for: Principals and School Leadership Team including APRIM/RECs
Registration: Closes on Tuesday, 12 March (especially for catering purposes)
Catering: Lunch will be provided
Workshop times are being negotiated for country ECSI schools.
Cancellation policy applies: 48 hours notice must be given or applicant will be charged the workshop fee. If withdrawing after this time due to illness or extenuating circumstances, the cost for catering will be invoiced.
If you have any registration queries please contact Elaine Mulhall at or phone 8301 6629.
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016