Experienced Leaders - Mindful Leaders Course
The Mindful Leader Program, facilitated by Dr John Wood, is designed for principals at all career stages including executive level leaders. The program is designed to enhance leadership performance and wellbeing through high order mindfulness and self awareness. The three day program provides a sharp focus on the intentionality of leadership required to lead and grow excellent schools.
Participants will be challenged to move to higher order thinking and expanded mindfulness about their leadership practices (investigating and developing attention, intention, perspective taking and new ways of being), engagement with others, clarity of purpose, leadership intentions and goals for impact. This will be excellent self development for all leaders and is particularly targeted at mid‑career and executive level principals.
Cost: $750 per person
For further information contact: Laura de Cesare, Administrator, Leadership Developmentlaura.decesare@cesa.catholic.edu.au Phone: 08 8301 6193
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016