Parish Priests, Pastoral Associates, School Principals, Deputy Principals, APRIMs, PPC Chairs, Chairs of School Boards, Diocesan and Catholic Education SA (CESA) leadership are invited to register at one of two workshops at which the document Being Church Together: A Theology, Vision and Guiding Principles for the Parish-School Relationship will be made available and discussed:
Wednesday 7 November (3:00 - 5:30pm, includes afternoon tea) The Monastery, Foley Room - 15 Cross Road, Urrbrae
Thursday 8 November (10:00am - 12:30pm, with light lunch from 12:00) Catholic Education Office, Rooms 7 and 8 - 116 George Street, Thebarton CISCO available for regional schools/parishes
These two workshops launch the consultation and engagement phase about a document that has been developed to help strengthen Parish-School relationships. Being Church Together: A Theology, Vision and Guiding Principles for the Parish-School Relationship was developed at the request of the Archdiocese through a collaboration between Catholic Education SA and the Office for Renewing Parishes. Following the conclusion of this period of education, engagement and consultation in October 2019, this working draft will be reviewed by CESA's Catholic Identity and Leadership Standing Committee (which has had carriage of the document's development). Feedback gathered by Catholic Education SA and the Office for Renewing Parishes will lead to an approved, final version.
For further information, please contact Michael Vial at CESA ( or Deacon Tim Grauel at the Office for Renewing Parishes (
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016