Term 4 Career Development and Education Network
Wednesday 28 November 2018 9:00am - 3:30pm (Registration 8:45am) Room 7, Conference Centre, Catholic Education Office
This network will provide support to school leaders and teachers to build a strategic approach to Career Development and Education (CDE) across middle and senior schooling. Current theories and frameworks in CDE will be examined as well as conducting an audit of current CDE initiatives within each school. A focus will also be on the general capabilities from the Australian Curriculum and the SACE as a means for ensuring students have a range of skills and dispositions to be active citizens in future learning, work, community and personal life.
Intended for Career Development and Education Network participants
Cost: free
Cisco video conferencing available for those who aren't able to attend in person.
For further information about this opportunity, please contact:
Jacqui Asser at jacqueline.asser@cesa.catholic.edu.au or Christine Slattery at christine.slattery@cesa.catholic.edu.au
Please see the program for further details
For further information regarding registration:Susan Hannigan susan.hannigan@cesa.catholic.edu.au8301 6179
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016