CESA Religious Leaders Day
Friday, 18 May 2018
This is the key CESA occasion for all APRIMs, RECs and aspiring religious leaders from around the state. We will gather with the RE Team to engage with some important issues related to our shared leadership. The theme of the day is ‘Wisdom for Leadership in Religious Education’ and the day will weave challenges of new thinking, new learning and new ways to approach our leadership, particularly with learning in Religious Education. This day will focus on the new developments in the ongoing redesign of the Crossways RE Curriculum and providing feedback, and also engage with the new national ‘Framing Paper: Religious Education in Australian Catholic Schools’ that is about to be published by the National Catholic Education Commission.
If you have any queries please contact James Meston, phone 8301 6659 or james.meston@cesa.catholic.edu.au
AITSL Standards:
6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice 6.4 Apply professional learning and improve student learning 7.4 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities
PRIMA, SRELA and the CEO are funding this day for APRIMs, RECs and other religious leaders
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016