Understanding Developmental Trauma Series (Workshop 2):
Foundation to Positive Behaviour Support
Invoices will be sent to schools upon workshop completion

Course Description
A whole school approach to Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is about building safe, orderly and inclusive learning environments. PBS is founded on person-centred values, a deep history of research evidence and a commitment to increasing students’ social and academic learning outcomes. Across three tiers of intervention it utilises data to inform decision making, systems to support staff behaviour and research-based practices to support student behaviour. PBS shifts the emphasis in behavioural approaches from reactive to preventative and from punitive to educative.
This workshop will give educational leaders an overview of PBS’s origins and history. It focuses on key aspects of its implementation and how PBS aligns with trauma sensitive practice. It is intended for principals and assistant principals who are considering PBS as a way to support trauma sensitive practice and to build and sustain cultural change.
*Previous attendance at Making SPACE for Learning is desirable. Wherever possible, schools are encouraged to send a minimum of two members of their leadership team to attend this seminar.
Key Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the origins, history and values of PBS.
2. Understand the key components of PBS and its continuum of supports.
3. Consider how PBS might complement trauma sensitive practice and other whole school approaches already in place e.g. KidsMatter, MindMatters.
4. Consider common challenges to implementing and sustaining PBS.
5. Build knowledge of PBS resources and simple assessment tools for getting started.
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:
Standard 1: Know students and how they learn. Focus areas 1.1, 1.2 & 1.5
Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments. Focus areas 4.1, 4.3 & 4.4
Standard 6: Engage in professional learning. Focus areas 6.2, 6.3
Australian Professional Standards for Professionals:
Professional Practice: Leading Teaching and Learning
Professional Practice: Leading improvement, innovation and change
Leadership Requirement: Vision and values.
Participants will be invited to:
· Increase their understanding of the origins of PBS and how its values align with trauma sensitive practice;
· Increase awareness of challenges to schools working in trauma sensitive ways;
· Build knowledge, understandings and skills for trauma sensitive practice to enhance school-wide interventions;
· Review their own school policies, procedures and practices relating to behaviour, in the light of trauma sensitive practice.
Course Information:
Workshop Date
Tuesday 5 June
Workshop Venue
Catholic Education Office, Conference Centre Room 7
Workshop Time
9.00 am– 4.00 pm
Workshop Cost
Workshop Limit
50 Participants
Intended For
Principal and Assistant Principals new to Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) or wanting a refresher.
Dr Sonja Vanderaa
Senior Training Consultant
Australian Childhood Foundation
System Accredited Module: No
Participants are asked to refer to the attached map for car parking details for the Queen of Angels Church car park.
Contact Details
Michael Lincoln
Consultant: Behaviour Education
Inclusion & Learning Team
(08) 8301 6642
Registrations Close: Tuesday, 29 May 2018, 9.00am
Online CESA Registration Inquiry:
Ria Wong