Registration Centre

SRELA Formation Day - Deepening our engagement with Catholic Identity

  • 09 Mar 2018
  • 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Mary Queen of Angels Hall - Corner South Rd and Kintore St, Thebarton


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SRELA Formation Day

Deepening our engagement with Catholic Identity

Friday March 9

Mary Queen of Angels Hall

Cnr South Rd and Kintore St Thebarton

8.30am for a 9am start – 3.30pm conclusion

This day will provide input, dialogue and collaboration aimed at supporting APRIMs to lead a deepened engagement with enhancing Catholic Identity through their work.  

This will feature a presentation from CESA Director Dr Neil McGoran and an opportunity for questions and conversation about emerging vision for the sector. There will also be an opportunity to engage with key documents on Staff Formation -  Like a Mustard Seed: A CESA Stimulus and Foundation Paper for Staff Spiritual and Religious Formation and the NCEC Framework for Formation for Mission in Catholic Education. This will deepen an understanding of principles of formation and provide avenues for supporting the new CESA Strategy.

There will also be an update on the Year of Youth and associated resources.

In the afternoon there will be a facilitated collaborative conversation where we are asking participants to bring a digital or hard copy artefact of something you feel is engaging with Catholic Identity in your school – curriculum, reflection day, liturgical celebration, strategic plan.

Morning tea and lunch will be provided and we encourage you to bring another staff member from your school.

Cost: covered by SRELA membership, non SRELA members MOST welcome. You are reminded that SRELA Subs cover 2 people from the same school.    

Lunch: will be provided. Please forward any dietary requirements to  

Can be used as a System Accredited Module (SAM) if participation is full day (6.5 hours) AND a 1500 reflection task or evidence of classroom application (negotiated with Julian Kluge) is completed

AITSL Standards: 6 and 7        

For assistance with online enrolment: contact Elaine Mulhall on

Please make cheques out to: SRELA (SRELA ABN 27 398 998 327). No GST

SRELA is a part of the Catholic GST Group - on CEO Advice, payment should be coded “acquisition with no GST in the price”.

For more details:    


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