Teaching Phonics in Context (David Hornsby) 2 day Workshop
Last Day to Register: Thursday 01 March 2018
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION David Hornsby, author of Teaching Phonics in Context and A Closer Look at Guided Reading is offering a two day workshop for teachers of children in R-2. This work will explore direct and explicit phonics instruction as part of an integrated approach to teaching reading and writing. This workshop consists of two full days offered two weeks apart, to allow for teachers to trial and then receive feedback on implementation strategies.
COURSE INFORMATION Participants are required to attend both sessions When: Day 1 - Tuesday 13 March 2018, 9.00am - 4.00pm Day 2 - Tuesday 27 March 2018, 9.00am - 4.00pm
Location: Glenelg Golf Club, James Melrose Road, Novar Gardens AITSL NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS INCLUDE: Standard 1 - Know students and how they learnStandard 2 - Know the content and how to teach it Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
PROGRAM OUTLINE: Day 1: This professional learning will focus on building teacher's understanding of how young children develop the linguistic awareness of sounds in words and how to map these sounds to print.Day 2: Will extend this knowledge and understanding to the teaching of phonics in Reading and Writing, using literature texts.
Cost: no workshop fee
Catering: morning tea and lunch will be provided
Facilitator: David Hornsby
For Further Information regarding registration:
Chris Virgin chris.virgin@cesa.catholic.edu.au or 8301 6851
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016