Registration Centre

Presentation for Research Project - Pathways to Success for Senior Secondary Students with Refugee Experience

  • 16 Mar 2018
  • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Glenelg Golf Club, James Melrose Road, Novar Gardens SA
  • 26


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Presentation of Research Project -
Pathways to Success for Senior Secondary Students
with Refugee Experience

Last day to register: Monday 12 March 2018 

From 2015-17 CESA and Unisa undertook a collaborative research project to gather experience, knowledge and advice regarding effective approaches to supporting recently arrived students with refugee backgrounds who were engage with the SACE.

This half day session will present the research findings of this project  and engage leaders of learning with processes and strategies to examine and enhance practices in schools aimed at enabling students with refugee experience to pursue successful 'pathways' through the SACE. This will be presented to Principals, SACE coordinators and EAL coordinators on Friday 16 March 2018.

This symposium will be of value to any school supporting students with refugee experience in the senior secondary years. 

Times and Location
Friday 16 March 2018
9.00am - 12.30
Glenelg Golf Club
James Melrose Road, Novar Gardens  SA

Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
      5.1 Assess student learning
      5.4 Interpret student data
Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning
      6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice

Principals, SACE coordinators and EAL coordinators

Cost: no fee

Catering: morning tea will be  provided

For Further Information regarding registration:

Chris Virgin
 8301 6851

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