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SRELA Stillness and Silence day – ‘Jesus and building a culture of Non Violence’

  • 10 Nov 2017
  • 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Rosary Parish Hall: 14 Barker Rd, Prospect SA 5082


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SRELA Stillness and Silence day
Jesus and building a culture of Non Violence

Facilitator:  Brendan McKeague

Friday 10 November, 2017
8:30 am for 9:00 am start – concluding 3:30 pm

Rosary Parish Hall

14 Barker Rd, Prospect SA 5082

An introductory workshop to deepen an understanding of Jesus and nonviolence and implications for conflict transformation, peace-building, mercy, forgiveness, restorative practices and links to the Year of Mercy.

The message for the celebration of the Fiftieth World Day of Peace by Pope Francis in January refers to nonviolence at many levels: personal, relational, societal, institutional-structural, international. These invite further questions about how do we actually live this nonviolent way and grow it within our spheres of influence...while also continuing to build on the Year of Mercy initiative and activities.

An opportunity to gain shared meaning/understanding of 'the nonviolent way', skill-building in the areas of dialogical methodologies such as Open Space, Appreciative Inquiry, circle work, restorative justice and how these link to building a culture of nonviolence. 

Using a dialogical methodology to explore ideas, questions, initiatives and promptings of the Spirit to make social justice a more deeply lived reality in our Catholic school communities.

About the facilitator: Brendan grew up in the 'troubled' north of Ireland and is currently an Associate Staff Member with the international Pace E Bene Nonviolence Service ( Brendan has been involved in adult education, group facilitation and nonviolent social transformation for the past twenty-five years. He enjoys combining his Irish spirit with a passion for peace.

Cost: covered by SRELA membership, non SRELA members MOST welcome. You are reminded that SRELA Subs cover 2 people from the same school.    

Lunch: will be provided. Please forward any dietary requirements to  

Can be used as a System Accredited Module (SAM) if participation is full day (6.5 hours) AND a 1500 reflection task or evidence of classroom application (negotiated with Julian Kluge) is completed:

AITSL Standards: 3, 4 and 6        

For assistance with online enrolment: contact Elaine Mulhall on

Please make cheques out to: SRELA (SRELA ABN 27 398 998 327). No GST

SRELA is a part of the Catholic GST Group - on CEO Advice, payment should be coded “acquisition with no GST in the price”.

For more details:    

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