Registration Centre

NAPLAN Online Information Session

  • 14 Jun 2017
  • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Catholic Education Office, Rm8, 116 George Street, Thebarton
  • 28


Registration is closed

This forum will provide updated information for Principals and NAPLAN coordinators from schools that are interested in participating in NAPLAN Online testing from 2018.

The forum will cater both for

  • schools that were preparing for 2017 NAPLAN Online tests (before the national postponement of online testing) and
  • schools considering preparing for the first time to participate in NAPLAN Online test.

The agenda will include:

  • a summary of the issues that led sector authorities around Australia to withdrew their schools from NAPLAN online in April 2017
  • national development activities to ensure the reliable functionality of the NAPLAN online assessment platform, which is to be ‘set’ mid-2017 with no changes prior to a national School Readiness Test in Aug-Sep 2017
  • the ‘gateways’ that have been set nationally for schools wishing to participate in 2018 NAPLAN Online tests
    • Gateway 1 - schools will need to demonstrate they meet or exceed the minimum technical requirements specified by ACARA
    • Gateway 2 - schools will need to demonstrate that the testing process during the 2017 School Readiness Test (SRT) occurred largely without technical and/or logistical issues
  • processes for CESA schools to
    • express interest in 2018 NAPLAN Online participation
    • use the SA NAPLAN Online Session Planner to self-assess the school’s technical readiness
  • the full range of activities leading up to the2017 School Readiness Test (SRT) – to be held between 21 August and 1 September
  • other national activities using the online assessment platform in 2017.


    Ray Moritz
    ph: 8301 6136


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