This colloquium is for CESA's Principals, Deputy Principals, APRIMs and consultants, together with Parish Priests from the two dioceses being invited.
The day aims to deepen our understanding of Catholic identity in our current school contexts and examine the challenges and achievements in strengthening Catholic identity. The day builds on previous introductions to the 'Enhancing Catholic School Identity Project' (ECSIP) and the learning of CESA schools' participation. This day will focus on the emerging insights and broader issues from most recent research, including that from Australia. (Please note that the day is not about an introduction to the ECSIP scales). This colloquium is the second in a series; it follows the first held in February 2016.
This colloquium presents us with a unique opportunity to engage with research leaders Professor Didier Pollefeyt and Dr Jan Bouwens from Leuven Catholic University, Belgium. The day will include input, small group dialogue and Q&A plenaries around three topics:
The colloquium's expanded audience together with priests of the local church underscores the importance of the day's purpose. This colloquium is dovetailing with the second scheduled CESA Religious Leaders Day for APRIMs and RECs during 2017.
There is a $40 fee to cover catering and venue costs. The cost for members of PRIMA and SRELA is covered as a CESA Religious Leaders Day.
The day starts informally at 8.40am with coffee with the first session commencing at 9.00am.
For further information please contact Mary Camilleri (8301 6634; or Michael Vial (8301 6659).
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016