Registration Centre

CESA Continuity & Transition Project - Day #3

  • 22 May 2017
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Catholic Education Office, Rooms 7 & 8, 116 George Street, Thebarton
  • 17


Registration is closed

Starting school is a major event in the life of children and their families

This term we continue to explore how children can still flourish as they experience the multiple challenges and opportunities brought about by the transition to school.  In doing that we will be reflecting on the strong influence of the context and practices of the school community.

For this third day of our series of 4 project days, we will explore the challenges and opportunities for children's learning, growth and development in the processes of starting school by:

  • Ongoing reflection on our progress to date (if you have used the 'Transition to School Rubric' please bring it with you).
  • Considering school readiness: what does it mean for children, families, the school and the preschool?;
  • How we prepare a learning environment which welcomes and includes all children.

Register for Day 3 by Wednesday 17 May 2017

(please only register for this event if you have attended Day #1 in August 2016 and Day 2 in February 2017)

Cost - $20.00

Please keep a copy of your registration confirmation for your professional portfolio.

The further dates for this project are as follows:

Day 4 – Term 3 2017 - Monday 14 August 2017

For further information contact Barbara Murray:

Phone:     8301 6101

The Continuity & Transition Project supports Reception teachers and early childhood educators, primary teachers, principals and Catholic Education consultants to:

  • Engage in a research project with other interested and committed colleagues; 
  • Explore the perceptions and expectations of all those involved in supporting young children’s transitions to school;
  • Develop new ways of approaching transitions practice;
  • Enhance continuity of learning and development in the first years of school; and
  • Document this research as a means of making learning visible to educators, children and families.

AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers include:
3.2, 3.6, 3.7, 4.1, 4.4, 6.3 and 7.4.

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