SRELA Formation Day
Religious Leadership in a Catholic school context
Friday 10 March, 2017
8:30 am for 9:00am start – concluding 3:30
Sunnybrae Estate: 1 Naweena Rd, Regency Park SA 5010
The day will include a welcome from CESA Assistant Director, Religious Identity & Leading Learning, Bruno Vieceli as he contextualises the importance of Catholic identity for the APRIM. The day then contains 3 sessions that scope some key elements to working in Domain 1 of the CIF with engagement in professional learning and collaboration with colleagues.
Session 1: Catholic Identity
This session explores Catholic Identity and invites the participant to consider the connecting points between holding an authentic and meaningful expression of Catholic Faith while remaining open to dialogue and embracing new points of access for a growing diversity of families within Catholic schools.
Session 2: Strategic Planning and the CIF
As Religious Leaders within our respective schools, we share the responsibility of driving the strategic plan of our community with a particular focus on the Religious Identity and Mission components of this, one that expresses the particular Charism of the school as well as most importantly convey the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Session 3: Religious leadership
Who are the religious leaders within our learning communities? Is this a role and responsibility accepted by all? Leadership brings with it opportunities to express and nurture our gifts and talents, as well as accompany others through mentoring. This session delves into the challenges and opportunities of Leadership and invites the participant to reflect upon their own leadership style and the influence (positive/negative) this has on building teams and leadership capacity.
Cost: covered by SRELA membership, non SRELA members MOST welcome. You are reminded that SRELA Subs cover 2 people from the same school.
Lunch: will be provided. Please forward any dietary requirements to
Can be used as a System Accredited Module (SAM) if participation is full day (6.5 hours) AND a 1500 reflection task or evidence of classroom application (negotiated with Julian Kluge) is completed
AITSL Standards: 6 and 7
For assistance with online enrolment: contact Elaine Mulhall on
Please make cheques out to: SRELA (SRELA ABN 27 398 998 327). No GST
SRELA is a part of the Catholic GST Group - on CEO Advice, payment should be coded “acquisition with no GST in the price”.
For more details: